Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Top Mid Range Cell Phones

from bad to worse, how long?

Different analysis being made on the current situation in which we are guilty of superficiality. It is true that the usual culprits are: businessmen and bankers, but so are political, religions and religious, military and defense of nations, "democracy," government repression, our own individuality and acceptance of the tax system ... We must not forget that mankind is locked in a wheel which can not leave if not confronted with the real problem at the root of the system: the oppression of man by man, the exploitation of one person to another.

Because of this dynamic that we have taken as the lesser evil, and "thank you" to which some people are completely excluded from this we have created a shell company, we are in the same situation a hundred years ago. We are working to benefit them always people: those who own the means of production, those with political power to those with spiritual power, producing things for them at any time we need to live. Time passes and these conditions of production become more and harder. A clear example is the recent labor reform, with the aim to further tighten the rope holding: reduction of firing costs, increased retirement ages, cuts in benefits for temporary disability ... And we especially affects young people, is trying to generate a specific contract that reduces wages, even below the legal minimum, increasing the sectors that can provide services temporary agency workers, with the vast majority young, and also promotes the timing.

The democratic system is the great excuse to do so, since it gives the appearance of ethics to a way of governing that is as despotic as any dictatorship. Indeed, for thirty years in this country nothing has changed, working conditions are getting worse by the "social partners", union bosses side with a trade union model inherited the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the union elections. Furthermore, it is moving toward total control (if this does not happen at present) in all aspects of our lives.

Thus, successive educational reforms are directed towards training of workers on the basis of what the workplace of the future need not necessarily be advances that benefit mankind. The employer-employee relations will become increasingly precarious and subject to transformations and changes that occur in the labor market, which is based on the unbridled consumption of workers for the rich and powerful to recover losses arising from the slight increase of our salaries, wages that are increasingly less purchasing power.

Enough to remain silent hoping it will be the next to the dismissal. So much for hope not to touch you you. Everyone is interested in changing society. All potential employees of this planet we want to ignore the concept of employment which is a foundation on which sits the human exploitation, and begin to understand the work as the activity which, in collaboration with of our peers, we satisfy our material needs. Eliminating wage labor forever, stiletto of the oppressors, and undertake the path of liberation.

In the social revolution, anarchy. Health fighters.

Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth (FIXED)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Make Ferris Bueller Vest


The following is a call for our fellow Anarchist Group Fires .