Friday, May 14, 2010

Porcelain Figures With China Lace


... or say / as politicians in this country, one and another coat, "Spain is not Greece, has similarities , but bla bla bla ... is very different. So not going to spend it, makes us stronger. " To shed light on the pack of lies
produced by the mass media, we will analyze what the real situation of the two countries, and above all, compare the response that is occurring with an identical situation. We believe it deserves an effort to meet the task what happens in a country, which seems to connect the labor movement with anarchist approaches have / Colleagues in Greece.

First we must know the recent social and political history of Greece. This is a country of just over 11 million inhabitants, of which 5 million live in Athens and Thessaloniki 1 million. The population is crammed into the cities not by choice, but by action
State itself, which centralizes the work in them and imposes a completely urban lifestyle that fits perfectly into the capitalist approach. Exactly what has happened in our country over the years both of dictatorship as "democracy." In Greece there is a large black market in which some survive and others are enriched at the expense of the / workers, just as happens today in Spain. Recent years in the Hellenic countries have been "well-being boom, with many mortgages signed and increasing consumption, another coincidence. In Greece also used to the immigrants as slaves, using them as cheap labor when they are interested, and to counter the fact that the Greek birth rate is falling. "Another coincidence? If you are not satisfied we can talk about the corruption, both political and business existing in both states, and why the adjustments that are proposed today. These come directly from the European Union, where it imposes economic system in the old continent. Finally, the Greek economy is based on the construction, trade, tourism and / officials that. They say that Greece has no industry, but Spain is due to industrial restructuring, to be in the same situation. Interesting, no?

Second compare the policies carried out in Greece, who are the / as responsible for them and who are the / ace charge of processing all this were not going to hell, serving as glue social cohesion. PASOK (social) and the ND (Conservatives) are the two parties alternate in power mandates. Both have a predetermined role in advance: the second change of legislation against the interests of the people in economic boom times
so people do not panic, and the former has a mission to reduce social contestation in bad times, as is the case with the current Greek. This time, PASOK has told the Greek parliament approved an ally to the measures set in Europe, the right-wing LAOS party. Foam Mattress from the rage of the people and the Greek state is formed by the unions GSEE (General Confederation of Labour) and ADEDY (Union Civil Servants). They are responsible for maintaining social peace by negotiating with employers and government reforms to "kill" once the working class. However they are also organizers of the demonstrations since the turn they are taking the measures imposed by the government, the workers have overwhelmed them and are trying to control them. In short, the current Greek government is social democratic, committed to the "protectionism" of big business and big banks, which is playing its rightful role. If we change the game by the PSOE and the PP, we removed the representativeness of the right wing in parliament and put more people in calls CCOO and UGT, we have the perfect sketch of the political situation in Spain.

continue with measures to be taken or already taken. European countries, including Greece and Spain, have reached an agreement that everyone should reduce its deficit for the economy to function well. They must keep certain parameters. To reduce the accumulated deficit for Greece, since the EU has offered money in exchange for reforms in the living conditions of the population: declining wages, increasing the retirement age, increased indirect taxes, decreased benefits unemployment, declining public investment ... The European Parliament itself will come to the rescue of financial institutions, whose profits continue to rise, with an injection of 750 billion euros. Since then Parliament has mandated Spain to reduce the deficit immediately, and the measures proposed are identical to those of Greece, cutting social spending 50 billion euros. Another coincidence, right?

But if something is different about the situation in Greece and Spain is on the street. People have stopped working and has moved not only to improve their working conditions. Have led directly to Parliament to try to stop the adoption of "austerity plan" Greek. The most symptomatic all were the cries that this response chanting in the streets, and as a slogan repeated throughout Greece: "We will burn the Parliament." But not all is positive in the Greek situation. The official trade unions have been overtaken by the whirlwind of the / workers, and this self-declared party seeking to capitalize on "leftist" as the KKE for its own interests. They have had qualms about defending the parliamentary and agree with some and with others to gain more power "democratic" even openly condemned / as protagonists of the uprising triggered by the death of a young anarchist in 2008, as today condemn / as you move out of Game protest protected by the Greek constitution. These zealots of the state, now, through their union arm, PAME, have tried to take a lot of people unhappy with their lot. However, it is not "all fish sold" on this occasion, quite the opposite. People going out into the street also connects to the libertarians who work in Greece, thanks to outreach and stirring carried out during the years prior to this situation. Los / as workers / as are going out to the street, are connecting with the message of social movements are calling "bring warmth to the parliament." Much of the / workers in Greece are starting to lose their fear.

And these attacks, urging them answers. This is not to say that we believe the response that is occurring today in Greece is a panacea, but to highlight, at a time and place where the demonstrations and confrontation with the State Capital and its supporters is almost unthinkable, courage and determination with which thousands of people have faced the authority and domination. Now it's up to We, here and now, spreading the seeds of revolt. A revolt that may be doomed to extinction, but not be in vain if he can awaken in people the desire to organize, first to respond to the aggressions of all forms of authority, and as a central objective to destroy a final shape, introducing instead a free society. Organizing

work in anarchist unions, neighborhoods in affinity groups, perform work of agitation, awareness of the spread of libertarian ideas, etc, is going today creating tissue to support their development of turns, so instead of staying in specific events, grow and actually put in check the authority.

From Midnight Light Group, we want to send a message of support / Colleagues in Greece, reminding them to follow developments with interest, and that outside of Greece there are people who try to change things, but as we said, things in the street are not the same. We encourage / Colleagues Greeks to work on creating a strong libertarian movement, organized and be referred to the philosophy of life and struggle of anarchism. Health

the / as struggling. May 21 010

Midnight Light Group (Salamanca)
Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Grecian Hair Styles For Prom


The subject of Fixed Prosthodontics , is of a theoretical and practical importance of which is based on the acquisition of basic knowledge to preserve, rebuild and achieve the physiology and anatomy dental organs, if not have worked with different materials and techniques exist to shutter safeguard the dental organs.

These prosthetic knowledge include: terminology, concepts of occlusion, instrumentation, techniques of tooth preparations , print, laboratory, collection of models, all they rotate around a single resource: cast clasp or discharged by the lost wax system.

The field of fixed prosthesis ranging from single tooth restoration to rehabilitation of the entire occlusion. Missing teeth can be replaced with fixed prostheses that will improve the patient's ability to chew. By

fixed restorations can make basic corrections necessary to address complex problems related to the temporomandibular joint and neuromuscular components and to restore the masticatory function and aesthetic losses.