Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Corn Meal And Maize Difference

intraoral examination

Monday, June 7, 2010

Does Folicure Vitamins Work

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oil Tanker Name Parts

is an inlay, which can be long lasting in the mouth in perfect condition .
is widely used in the repair of injuries occlusal, gingival and proximal.

• They use for retention of a wedge effect and exert some pressure against the walls of the tooth. This pressure is already evident during the trials and cementation, but becomes all-important later, when support all occlusal forces.

• For the restoration of good results, we must find ways to counteract those forces.

• When the tooth inlay is wearing a thick wall, the same tooth structure is capable, by itself, to resist those forces.

• occlusal forces to strike a retainer or embedding intracoronal MOD MOD, produced on efforts that tend to separate the cusps, being exposed to a possible fracture, while the same forces acting on an MOD Onlay dissipate over a wide area in a dispersal of forces to be less destructive.