Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Best Brand Concealer 2010

The crisis is not the problem, the problem is the system

labor reform has already been approved. Capitalism has taken advantage of either their "crisis" and has a new setback for the rights of the working class. What politicians, union representation, the media, they have all successfully completed its role and soon will get their benefits.

Once again we see how they cut labor rights and, in this case particularly affects us, once again, youth. It is not just the specific measures that touch us squarely: the promotion of recruitment for the formation or expansion of industries to which workers may provide services ETT, but also that it will begin implementing a series of measures that will be consolidated during the next few years. These measures are intended to give a great versatility to companies when workers get rid of at bargain prices during periods of low or even foreseeable or low course, profit.

Thus, it is regrettable to see the attempt by unions and politicians representing the "left" washing your face. On the one hand, the unions announced a strike, that strike against a reform that was almost signed months ago. On the other hand, politicians 'socialist' is trying to justify based on the "situation economic "or based on mandates from the European Union, where, once again, have shown that in this policy and the delegation the color never mattered.

not about choosing one or another policy option, neither of intentarhacer slightly better exploitation of man by man. It is starting to organize ourselves, to decide what we want and how to get it, it's about to end wage labor, and desire to serve others, to create useful work, activity, in collaboration with our peers, meet our material needs.

For Social Revolution. For Anarchy.

Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bergerpaints Oil Colour

The 20-N and the "Anti-fascism" from an anarchist perspective

Another year comes "20N" . A date ephemeris macabre plagued in recent history of Spain. Since the death of Durruti (1936), until the death of Franco (1975) through the execution of José Antonio Primo de Rivera (1936) and, more recently, the murder of Santiago Brouard (1984) at the hands of the GAL and Josu Muguruza (1989) shot by two fascist organization Autonomous Bases, one being the famous Ricardo Saenz de Ynestrillas.

And a year throughout the territory of the demonstrations are organized. An entire display fetish theme worker and anti-fascist paraphernalia taking to the streets of major cities in the state as if we were to meet the Civil War. There might be a police charge, maybe even a real brawl against some neo-Nazis. But like every year it comes 20N is also common that after reaching 21, and with it the end of all this "fascist offensive." Disappear demonstrations, banners, speeches, gone to the same "anti-fascist movement" que se echa a hibernar hasta el siguiente 20N, o bien hasta que algún partiducho neofascista convoque algún acto simbólico, casi pidiendo a gritos que alguien se lo intente reventar para tener su minuto de gloria en la televisión.

Lo curioso es que el “movimiento antifascista” no desaparece por falta de efectivos. Demostrado queda que es capaz de congregar a muchas más personas que la mayoría de movimientos sociales cuando la ocasión se presenta, como lo fue el asesinato de Carlos Palomino, precisamente en vísperas de un 20N que fue bastante concurrido a pesar de la presión policial. La realidad es que, pasadas estas fechas, todo se diluye y se convierte en un goteo de peleas callejeras , not very different from those who lead members of different gangs or subcultures. Completely identical in the eyes of an ordinary worker, which does not identify with the motivations of anti-fascism.

and why. Why working class does not take to the streets to fight against fascism? Quite possibly because nobody sees fascism as a threat rather than one's own "anti-fascist movement." not easy to convince anyone that the 50 skinheads who come to the manifestations of MSR or National Democracy (each one his own, though, that if not bundled) and give a pathetic sight surrounded by triple of police to protect mob stoned them wherever they go there are the armed wing of democratic capitalism. It is not easy to convince anyone, because it is not true.

Maybe in the first third of the twentieth century fascism will take the role of a weapon of the bourgeoisie against the relentless advance of the revolutionary movements throughout Europe, but if we translate the situation to the current context does not hold the thing. At least if you believe that neo-Nazi cells are the real fascism today. Neo-Nazis Attack is simply going to the surface of the problem none other than nationalism, the very ideology that sustains and legitimizes the state, and which, today, the Nazi-fascism is only an interpretation taken to extremes paranoid like that fear / irrational hatred of foreigners (only those who are poor, of course).

At this point, we might conclude that fascism is a tactical error in the perception of the real enemy is not in the park painting swastikas backwards but sitting in the armchairs of the state and large corporations. We could, if it were not the use of the famous anti-fascist unity "arguably revolutionary groups and sounds familiar to us.

again not enumerate all the struggles that the authoritarian left-wing parties have been emptied content and then post tamed and destroyed in the famous unit. We will just try not to fall back into the game. The fact that several groups are opposed to neo-Nazis is more a symptom of some sanity ideological identity. Therefore, continue to believe that not fighting for the same as the Marxist parties, although they both feel a profound contempt for racist and xenophobic groups. And therefore, we see no need to be no unity around a threat that is not so, however much they say, and let us to waive any of our tactical principles.

We want unity, yes, but true unity against enemy: the state and its ideology: nationalism. Unity against everything that makes it possible for nationalism to seep into the town away from any desire for emancipation. Unity against authoritarianism, against censorship, repression and exploitation. Unity against capitalism and anarchist communism:



http://losincendiadores . wordpress.com /

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gradual Light Alarm Clock

Meeting for Animal Liberation (BCN) DAYS anti-prison

Currently, where the exploitation of both human and non-human animal is brutal and devastating where the real face of power and domination are ever more clearly exposed, we believe that there are sufficient grounds to try harder than ever to resume a fight in some environments but forgotten. A basic concept, the antiespecismo, so little internalized, but unites us with other animals, is essential if our goal is a real and profound change in our understanding, living and fighting for the recovery of our lives.

These are some of the reasons why we decided to organize this conference, which are intended as a meeting point for exchange of ideas and discussion for all those who think that the struggle for liberation animal just happens to be veganx. We tried to give practical meaning to these days, addressing some of the points that seem most important to build a strong movement dowry us the most effective tools to achieve our goals. So we've contacted people we are carrying out interesting projects in the field of animal liberation (campaigns, sanctuaries, research, etc..) And we believe that enriching their experience can serve us.

Therefore, I invite all to attend this conference with the intention to participate and not be mere listeners and hope that such meetings and practices are an ongoing thing and permanent.

A greeting and encouragement!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Does Largactil Help With Anxiety?


Amadeu Casellas will give a talk about the business of prisons,
framed in an anti-prison time

The next day, November 20, 2010, CNA ( Anarchist Black Cross)
Albacete and Alicante, with the support of the CNT of Alcoy,
organize a conference on the business of prisons.

This day is spearheaded by the talk by Amadeu Casellas,
ex-prisoner of the English State, which spent most of his life in prison
. Today is us, free and
forces to explain what happens in the so-called prisons, capitalism
existing businesses wilder than not hesitate to seek cheap labor
(or given away) where it is. For this system only has a
thing profit, human lives may be in this endeavor
are, for the State, "collateral damage."

The conference will be held in Alcoy, in the premises of the CNT,
Calle San Vicente Ferrer, 18, on November 20.

The program is as follows;

Presentation 18:00 h 18:15 h day

Roundtable. Rapporteur, Amadeu Casellas

20:00 h Screening of the documentary, "Prisoners of a democracy"

22:00 pm Gazebo Vegan

All proceeds from the dinner will be, first, to cover the costs
the day, and secondly, the struggle for prisoners
anarchists in our jails.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Vodafone Sim Cardcost India

Anarchist Book VIII Encuentro de Madrid

A year and now they're 8, who had organized the meeting of the Anarchist Book Madrid have decided to re-enable this confluence of material exchange , experiences and communication that advocates a different way of understanding the reality and practice subversion. Like every year, will take place in the People's Prosperity School (c / Luis Cabrera, 19).

The meeting aims to be a point of communication and dissemination of our ideas. Accordingly, during the three days in which to develop, we will have ongoing activities such as talks, exhibitions, debates ... that reflect a small part of the experiences, ideas and struggles that have been developed in recent years. In addition, there will be a permanent display of written material by more than 30 publishers, booksellers and distributors from different places. The school doors will be open from 17h on Friday y desde las 10:30h tanto el sábado como el domingo. A quienes tengáis perrx os animamos, en la medida de lo posible, a que no lo traigáis. Desde la asamblea del encuentro del libro os lo agradeceremos.

Sin más, y esperando veros en el Encuentro, nos despedimos no sin antes animaros a acudir y a hacer de este tipo de encuentros algo permanente y práctico que nos sirva tanto de acercamiento de realidades como de transmisión de experiencias útiles en nuestro enfrentamiento con todo aquello que nos domina.


Viernes 3 de diciembre

19:00h: Charla-debate: 10 mentiras sobre la no escolarización

In charge of a class member rushed. Rebate

the topics that have to face those who choose not to take their children to school, since the alleged compulsory schooling up to the repeated need for socialization, through the school's learning model. Although the text focuses on what characterizes the child (autonomy and sociability innate genuine participation possible in society), and explore new ways of thinking about learning, it also enables us to rediscover the thread of criticism of the seventies on school (Illich, Reimer, Holt and many more)-a rich heritage that is to recapture, if think that the issue of learning is also a political issue. [+ Info ].

Saturday December 4

12:00 pm: Lecture-Presentation: anthology of Friends of Ludd.
by members of the extinct group Friends of Ludd.

Collect some of the texts published between 2001 and 2007 by the group Friends of Ludd, who was born with the intention of undertaking a critique of industrial society while industrial and whose targets were premeditated criticism progressivism in the historic left, the indication of acute failure between society and nature and the complaint of weakness and conformity of the environmental movement, its contradictions and shortcomings. [+ Info ].

15:00 h: Eating

17:00 h: Lecture-discussion: Etcetera. Presentation of the magazine and books etc., and the book "Rebel Days."
by members of Etcetera.

More than three decades of anti-capitalist debate and define the group Etcetera. Since the second half of the 70's to today, have published 46 issues of its magazine "Etcetera. Correspondence from the Social War, nearly a hundred titles of books and booklets (with works like "homeboy", "Bilan", "community" or "On voluntary servitude," from the collections "Critique of Political "and" Critical History ") and edited a newsletter for a few years framed in the fight against prisons," Those who have not already taken the floor. " All these aim to deepen our understanding of social reality, as a critique of the capitalist lifestyle and for its improvement in the sense libertarian communist. [+ Info ].

19:00 h · Charla-debate: "Let's prison" rating and reflection of the struggle against the prison, both inside and outside.
Who: Amadeu Casellas, Joaquin Garces, a co-assembly against Barcelona prisons and fellow participant in several anti-prison struggle. Proposal

prisons analysis of transition and democracy, with a brief historical and sociological analysis, and contextualizing all times in order to understand the changes that have occurred in terms of objectives and control methods used both inside and outside. [ + Information].

Sunday December 5
11:00 pm: Lecture-discussion: Anarchists against the world of work: perspective, and self projection.

be boosted in small groups with an overview that seeks collective participation based on different points that address the capacity, involvement and perspectives as anarchists in the workplace.

15:00 am: Lunch.

17:00 h · Talk-debate: Anarchists Against the Wall, "Colonialism and neo-colonialism in Palestine. "

In charge of the group Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW).

hundred and thirteen years after the birth of the World Zionist Organization, a group of anarchists resists against the horrors that have crystallized since then. Horrors whose origin is in the imperialist and colonialist policy carried out in the Middle East. The talk will focus on how Zionism gained international recognition, the occupation of Palestine, the daily attacks suffered by the Palestinian people and other the everyday aspects of life, as well as popular struggle against the Wall and other forms of occupation, together to their allies s, Anarchists Against the Wall. [+ Info ].

19:00 h · Charla-debate: A look at our history: "War and Inquisition Social Democratic Chile." (1990-2010). A tour of the history of the revolution in Chile: Memory, and present every rebel, anti-authoritarians and subversion against the state and the Capital.

We at war. With the stroke of repression carried out by the Chilean government on 14 August 2010 against the "old enemies", is once more evident that our enemies hate class we have. In order to have more elements to understand the development of the social war in Chile, we need to summarize the story in the last twenty years.

  • Palestine Exhibition: Photo Exhibit on Palestine. Collection of photographs taken during the years 2008 and 2009, which depicts various aspects of daily living situation in the Gaza West Bank. [ Information +] .

  • Exhibition "Living Utopia" Exhibition focused on the Revolution took place in the areas where Fascism triumphed during the Civil War, we also review the history and exile. The exhibition is a selection of funds Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation for the period 1936-39 that review various aspects of resistance to fascism, war, agricultural and industrial communities, hospitals, children's camps, culture. [ Information +] .
Held The meeting of the book will place in the [People's Prosperity School]

During the three days each publisher, bookseller or distributor participant will have a booth with books, fanzines and libel.


* Meals will be at 15h, and all are vegan (100% vegetarian) .

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Master Lock Combination Lookup

is common to hear people around us sample different types of discomfort about the situations that they face in day to day. Not surprisingly, our life is totally subject to our obligations are imposed on in which we were born. We are part of a society run by a few and structured by the state. This structuring of society, direct consequence of the mere existence of the State and any form of authority and capitalism in which they rest, they affect all situations and social relations of human beings.

Almost all individuals living under the guardianship of the state, not only have to follow rules imposed by the small ruling elite (elected or not), but also many of those rules have sought direct result since time immemorial, the structuring of a society based on inequality, in the monotony, competitiveness and lack of principles and objectives (every aspiration must be framed in the few chances that come offered).

The existence of hierarchies is the center of all the structural problem of society. It is for the defense of these by what police believe to protect the status of the ruling classes and the maintenance of the state, tortured and kept in prison as people who put their conscience to the prevailing laws as people who have developed all kinds of violent behavior; behavior conditioned by the system itself problematic indissoluble. Governments are created, which are responsible for laws that dictate the subject at all, is the army in charge of defending the economic interests of the state and the few people who have a say in it (rulers and owners of large private estates ), thus justifying the killing of thousands and thousands of innocents and the capture and subjugation of large cities to their advice, fostering a national feeling absurd and contempt toward the person of foreign origin or "enemy." Religion is responsible in promoting individual disability, reduced the individual a being who is not, nor can it become master of his own life, and also a prisoner of dogmatic morality to serve their interests persistent in all echelons of society and have no rational argument also advocates a family concept that legitimizes the state perpetuating the hierarchy

The so-called democratic state has its own characteristics and properties required to sustain a society subject. We have the "electoral circus, where all people choose who will dictate the rules to which we will have to submit, acting oblivious to the rest of the society increasing more and more power. Maintain a controlled formation of new individuals added to the society through schools where they learn that there is an authority which must be respected at all times, likewise, hold a media handling charge of maintaining good reception of all people to this system and let them see a host of unrealistic or exaggerated intentionally problems (terrorism, crime ...), with the aim of creating fear and mistrust, legitimizing all the repressive measures the state apparatus needed.

By production, based on ownership and controlled by private owners it is forcing us to put ourselves in jobs where we operate and try to get the most benefit at the lowest cost, forcing us to work in precarious conditions, resulting in leave (leave it completely self-assigned by owners of the means of production) in exchange for a wage that is not equivalent to the contribution made to work, but it is necessary to survive. Thus beings who do nothing, they take what they have not worked and try to pay the minimum people as possible. Private ownership and operation involves insecurity and exploitation entails that there is a sector of society who can not find where work and therefore find no way to survive by itself. Exploitation inherent in the capitalist system on which sits the democratic system is the direct cause of the existence of unemployment. Exploitation and unemployment are linked, are the 2 sides of the same coin.

The welfare state gives us a need created leading to excessive consumerism. From birth we see around us that life and "happiness" hover around consumption continuum from the massive campaign of " needs created" to own leisure marketing, thus displacing the human development concerns which are not commensurate with the actions necessary to maintain the capitalist state and overproduction. In this way, is still feeding all big business and relegate the person to a machine that simply "work and consume."

This what we have referred life robs us all of us, and none of this will be fixed without completely abolishing the state apparatus, the elimination of private property and taking the means of production by all individuals in society. Only in this way, through a self-managed society and eliminating all body repressive government service and any conception of normalcy based on the legitimacy of authority, human beings will be free. It will help individuals with the rest of society to maintain the necessary input for this and not necessary to enrich a business.

Only then can the full human development, free of religious dogma and free of nationalist sentiment, with time to develop and carry out the concerns that you provide. In short, freedom.


Group Black Friday