Friday, November 19, 2010

Bergerpaints Oil Colour

The 20-N and the "Anti-fascism" from an anarchist perspective

Another year comes "20N" . A date ephemeris macabre plagued in recent history of Spain. Since the death of Durruti (1936), until the death of Franco (1975) through the execution of José Antonio Primo de Rivera (1936) and, more recently, the murder of Santiago Brouard (1984) at the hands of the GAL and Josu Muguruza (1989) shot by two fascist organization Autonomous Bases, one being the famous Ricardo Saenz de Ynestrillas.

And a year throughout the territory of the demonstrations are organized. An entire display fetish theme worker and anti-fascist paraphernalia taking to the streets of major cities in the state as if we were to meet the Civil War. There might be a police charge, maybe even a real brawl against some neo-Nazis. But like every year it comes 20N is also common that after reaching 21, and with it the end of all this "fascist offensive." Disappear demonstrations, banners, speeches, gone to the same "anti-fascist movement" que se echa a hibernar hasta el siguiente 20N, o bien hasta que algún partiducho neofascista convoque algún acto simbólico, casi pidiendo a gritos que alguien se lo intente reventar para tener su minuto de gloria en la televisión.

Lo curioso es que el “movimiento antifascista” no desaparece por falta de efectivos. Demostrado queda que es capaz de congregar a muchas más personas que la mayoría de movimientos sociales cuando la ocasión se presenta, como lo fue el asesinato de Carlos Palomino, precisamente en vísperas de un 20N que fue bastante concurrido a pesar de la presión policial. La realidad es que, pasadas estas fechas, todo se diluye y se convierte en un goteo de peleas callejeras , not very different from those who lead members of different gangs or subcultures. Completely identical in the eyes of an ordinary worker, which does not identify with the motivations of anti-fascism.

and why. Why working class does not take to the streets to fight against fascism? Quite possibly because nobody sees fascism as a threat rather than one's own "anti-fascist movement." not easy to convince anyone that the 50 skinheads who come to the manifestations of MSR or National Democracy (each one his own, though, that if not bundled) and give a pathetic sight surrounded by triple of police to protect mob stoned them wherever they go there are the armed wing of democratic capitalism. It is not easy to convince anyone, because it is not true.

Maybe in the first third of the twentieth century fascism will take the role of a weapon of the bourgeoisie against the relentless advance of the revolutionary movements throughout Europe, but if we translate the situation to the current context does not hold the thing. At least if you believe that neo-Nazi cells are the real fascism today. Neo-Nazis Attack is simply going to the surface of the problem none other than nationalism, the very ideology that sustains and legitimizes the state, and which, today, the Nazi-fascism is only an interpretation taken to extremes paranoid like that fear / irrational hatred of foreigners (only those who are poor, of course).

At this point, we might conclude that fascism is a tactical error in the perception of the real enemy is not in the park painting swastikas backwards but sitting in the armchairs of the state and large corporations. We could, if it were not the use of the famous anti-fascist unity "arguably revolutionary groups and sounds familiar to us.

again not enumerate all the struggles that the authoritarian left-wing parties have been emptied content and then post tamed and destroyed in the famous unit. We will just try not to fall back into the game. The fact that several groups are opposed to neo-Nazis is more a symptom of some sanity ideological identity. Therefore, continue to believe that not fighting for the same as the Marxist parties, although they both feel a profound contempt for racist and xenophobic groups. And therefore, we see no need to be no unity around a threat that is not so, however much they say, and let us to waive any of our tactical principles.

We want unity, yes, but true unity against enemy: the state and its ideology: nationalism. Unity against everything that makes it possible for nationalism to seep into the town away from any desire for emancipation. Unity against authoritarianism, against censorship, repression and exploitation. Unity against capitalism and anarchist communism:



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