Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do I Have An Ulcer Or Abscess

against the war in Libya

The Eleventh Plenary of the Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth (FIXED) wishes to express its frontal opposition to military intervention Western forces in the social conflict originated in Libya. The current strategy of the forces "allied" responds to economic and imperialist interests us and is well known for the recent cases occurred in the Middle East.

as an anarchist organization, we express our rejection of any military institution, which seeks the imposition of forms of control through military force. NATO and the UN are seeking to disguise imperialist agencies under false concepts of benevolence and charity, because it is actually seeking the satisfaction of economic and political interests of the great empires they represent.

The media have shown a completely tied to the conflict in Libya. Firstly it has pursued a strategy to discredit the political regime of Gaddafi, when you have been keeping quiet about it for decades. On the other hand, has handled the reality of the revolt in Libya and have conditioned the interests of the Libyan people, assimilating to the interests of the Western political class. The press has dichotomized armed conflict, while the intervention in Iraq was shown as something negative, the intervention in Libya now is presented as something positive and necessary to save the people
Libyan dictatorship that has been allowing for years. Not surprisingly, the SETS considers the intervention in Libya as an invasion and interference in the political destiny of the Libyan people. Aiming to assimilate the process of this village lived in European transitions: Spain, Germany, Portugal ... Libya wants to become a mercenary of western interests. Its strategic position and its energy resources are very attractive, just as social and historical situation of Libya makes a social revolt fancy too dangerous to the interests hierarchical authoritarian societies. West wants to finish the work that began in Italy during the colonial era and perpetuating the hierarchical forms of government.

regret the role that is taking the army, replacing the neighborhood committees, a figure who embodies the self-organization of the people in the riots in the Arab world, and acting as guides on the way to the perpetuation of authoritarian societies. At this point plays a fundamental role, once again, the image that shows the media. Extrapolating the demonstrations of joy in isolated sectors of the population for the intervention "ally" as something widespread in Libyan society, that rejects any foreign intervention. The performance of English and Portuguese unmask action hypocrite who have taken to social cuts have been made. The returns which have been raised Iberian rulers now finds its justification in the economic waste involved in an operation to divert the essence of the revolt Libya.

FIJA's position is to support the revolt of the Libyan people in the fight against all forms of authority. We oppose Western intervention because we do not differentiate between forms of power. For us, the Gaddafi regime is as pernicious as Western regimes. The revolt of the Libyan people can only be supported by proletarian internationalism. Another thing means the deviation of the revolt, to intrude to forces outside the working class within
a fight against the elements that oppress.

Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth


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