Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Diagram Of A Bikini Wax


A reader who is "riding a theater project about the figure of Salvador Allende, has informed me that he" would like to know (my ) vision of the Chilean process and the figure of Allende, as well as the comparison I can make of "Castro, Chavez, Lula and Morales" with Allende. Although late as promised, here is because my answer:

begin to specify that my vision about the political and social processes flagged by those leaders of the "Latin American left", is based on moral grounds, because of the gap between the revolutionary speeches of these leaders and their practice governmental, political and social praxis as being populist mackerel and mortgage peoples social change to the designs of these heads angels. Reasons arising from the objective analysis of more than a century of political and social history of mankind and not merely the theoretical interpretation of the anarchist principles: freedom can only beget freedom and authority begets tyranny. Let

as what are the reasons that led me to consider the political and social action such as pernicious angel heads for the emancipation of the toiling masses, both for their countries to the rest of the world.

The first reason is the failure of all similar historical experiences that have preceded it. Produced failures after winning power and, in some cases, after the exercise of the same for long periods of time. I need not enumerate and explain these failures because it seems obvious that anyone who looks history without ideological party circles puede constatarlos: no sólo en América latina sino en todo el resto del mundo. Todas las otras razones surgen lógicamente al analizar las causas de estos fracasos que, en general, son consecuencia de la centralización decisoria y la personalización del Poder. De ahí que mis críticas a los Castro, Chavez, Lula, Morales, etc., como a Allende, sean el resultado del análisis de sus trayectorias militantes que les han permitido convertirse en Jefes providenciales y también del militantismo "revolucionario" de las masas que les han seguido o les siguen incondicionalmente. Militantismo siempre al servicio de una ambición personal en los lideres y militantismo siempre obediente e incondicional en las masas que han aceptado and lifted up these top leaders.

is that top-down activism which has inevitably led to the cult of personality and the strengthening of the alienation of the masses. Even in cases where this populism, supposedly revolutionary, is forced to keep the structures "democratic" bourgeois power and give up, temporarily, to establish "socialism (state capitalism), because in these cases also contributes to alienation of the masses against both the power as against the Capital. And this is because the alienation of the exploited and dominated occurs when you believe that they are not: either to make them believe that the Power is yours or that one day it will ... if they continue to unconditionally support the Chief. Hence it can be described as populist with those experiences, because they are founded and legitimized the conquest and exercise of a power which claims to have been conquered and exercised on behalf of the people and for the people. Although sometimes they do on behalf of the nation and homeland and serving them, as long ago ceased to do so on behalf of the proletariat, the working class or the workers. Populism "left", but populism, since even when intended to respect the rules of parliamentary democracy is a movement in the service of a charismatic leader who aspires to exert a hegemonic and totalitarian paternalistic: for the people and the people ..

What else would I be able to observe in these populist revolutionary work, concrete facts that give credence to the hope for a different development that led to the failure of previous revolutionary populism. But, even without a priors observe the current reality of such practice, it appears that they are properly installed in the same process of ideological perversion of revolutionary fiasco which have served as a model. Failures that have contributed significantly to the expansion and consolidation of the capitalist system of exploitation and domination, as well as making a paradigm of political representation to bourgeois democracy as the only guarantor of human rights. And this despite the "crisis" pattern of this system that has not stopped exacerbate injustice and provoke conflicts and environmental disasters.

Such is the catastrophic balance that populism, supposedly revolutionary, has completed its involution cynical ideological "capitalism-socialism" after taking Chinese, brash and brutally capitalist development. Developmentalism whose ideal is the maximum exploitation of wage labor with the minimum of social protection and labor. This has been reduced populist road to "socialism" in today's world: a sacred alliance, through the bureaucracy, including the Capital, the State and the Unions to exploit workers with impunity. Hence, multinationals continue to invest in supposedly socialist countries or in the process of being ...

are not as ideological reasons which have led me to establish such a balance but a strict observance of social and political events in the last century history at least. Requiring observation and analysis, if you have a minimum of intellectual honesty, to draw this conclusion: all manifestations of power implies it is inseparable from domination and exploitation. In addition to this: the transformation of power in an apparatus of domination, including establishing after a liberation struggle does not depend on the will to dominate on who carries it is an inevitable consequence of all forms of structured social relations hierarchically. Hence, all attempts to establish socialism in power have been, despite their different specificities-simple populism with revolutionary rhetoric, and all that succeeded have finished restoring the state and privatized private capitalism.

The most significant characteristic and most ominous This modern populism "revolutionary" is this syncretism State-Capital under the aura of state socialism, and nothing to suggest that attempts to establish a more democratic, in the words meaning to Allende, could have avoided falling into the bureaucracy and could have been open syncretic the door to a better future ...

not lived up close, but I think you also Allende led a symbolic and political process in which the concepts of People and Fatherland merged, not just rhetorically with the Revolution, but also what could mean to him the term revolution is indisputable that this merger was also for him, as for Castro, Chavez, Lula and Morales, synonymous with all deified around his person and a social imaginary of popular sovereignty-centered boss. It is for this and for this final epic tragic figure in the pantheon of the continental and global populist left, but sometimes you put it tricky to their "real" revolutionary identity ...

I will say, to finish and answer the reader alasbarricadas, there are differences in the ways of politics and rule of Castro, Chavez, Lula and Morales, and between each of them and Allende, but there is a common denominator among them: want to be players in the future without breaking story of the past. That's why I do not believe in the possibility of moving through them and their experiences to the emancipation of peoples. On the contrary, I think are hindrances in the progress towards it, then at its height infuse the subjugation of the masses and laid bare the deceit spread them despair and demobilization. Fraternally

Octavio Alberola

Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Unblock Farmville

Populism and Empowerment (Toronto) Riots G20 summit

More than 600 people were arrested during the G20 summit this weekend in police raids and searches in the city of Toronto, Canada. The siege and persecution was noted by the repressive apparatus after the demonstrations on Saturday, June 26, where protesters involved in the "Black Block" left five police cars damaged and a fire, breaking windows of tiendasa, destroying two vehicles TV stations, banks and other showcases for the city's financial center - mocking the $ 1.3 billion required for the safety of the summit. However

police apparatus continued its persecution during the night of Saturday, where arrests and raids were brutal in the demonstrations and the homes of the organizers, resulting in more than 200 detainees who were transferred to a detention center, made specifically for those protesting the summit. On Sunday June 27th-last day of the summit, the Integrated Police swept all protests took place in the downtown (peaceful or not) and continued with mass arrests of protesters. 70 people, most from the CLAC (Anti-Capitalist Convergence) of Montreal were arrested after a brutal raid on the University of Toronto, whose school was closed altogether during the week of action, and were taken to detention in police buses.

police swept hundreds of protesters gathered in solidarity with prisoners in the detention center in the eastern sector of the city, where activists were selected for special forces suddenly found themselves surrounded, and were taken by van to the detention center, then fired ammunition and teargas into the crowd several times during the day.

The alternative press was stopped and taken by the repressive forces to report the current situation. Many of its members were arrested and taken to the detention center.

In the city center, police decree that black dress would be reason enough to be sospechosx, revisadx, even detenidx. Forces deployed by the special center, reviewing and stop those who were carrying "suspicious substances," or who had profile as the Black Bloc. During the afternoon, a small improvised march was entirely surrounded by special forces in the neighborhood where the riots took place the previous day. Special forces cornered a group of people after arresting a few protesters. Then hours after the summit ended, let go a portion of the people and the rest were transferred to the detention center. Dozens of protesters

tubieron to wait in the court of guarantees to be formalizadxs charges in connection with the riots on Saturday 26 June.

Pokemon Heartgold Fix Freeze

Fluid and tissue processing (1)


Stopping bleeding soft tissue must be displaced, horizontally and vertically and dry clean fabrics

separators Purpose of use Gingival:

1) Exposing the gingival margins temporarily preparation carved.
2) Provide space in the lateral and vertical between the gingival margin and gingival end for access by the media.
3) Check the fluid without harm gingival tissues.


technique preserves:
• copper or aluminum bands
• Temporary crowns
• acrylic copings

Mechanical-chemical :
• retraction cords impregnated with chemicals.

• Electro surgery
• rotary gingival curettage

mechanical methods.

1) TECHNICAL COPPER RINGS .- You can use strips of copper or aluminum, which is trimmed, smoothed and adapt to the gingival margin without pressing the soft tissue and controlling the occlusal or incisal height is filled with modeling softened low melting or elastomers, which displaces the soft tissue between the gum and impress the preparation.

2) PROVISIONAL CROWN ACRYLIC .- provisional acrylic resin crowns over-extended and cemented gingivally for 24 hours;

3) .- acrylic sleeves replaces the copper strips. With satisfactory results in terms of precision printing. The principle remains mechanical method that can be traumatic because of the difficulty of controlling the pressure exerted on digital printing and time action.


result can cause:

-irreversible separation from excess pressure,

-tearing of the gingival tissue and junctional epithelium among others.


1) GINGIVAL separating yarns impregnated with chemicals.
To produce the displacement of the gingival barrier. Procedure
reversible and low-trauma. Extracellular matrix proteoglycans
the entire oral epithelium absorb water and nutrients
By compressing the tissue, the proteoglycan content and determines empty resilience.

The gingival tissues must be healthy to start a restorative treatment, special care when the free gingiva is thin and only a small area of \u200b\u200battached gingiva, it may cause irreversible traumatic gingival retraction

 Used to finish either in biological preparation cervical end. 
or after finishing the carving of the teeth to allow access to print materials to limit the scope cervical root.


not medicated

 has the advantage of no adverse reactions or systemic effects unwanted. 
Generate a minimum of damage to the gingival tissues, which decreases markedly the risk of gingival recession. 
are safe when left up to 30 min. but has little ability to shrink the wires medicated medicated

may occur embedded in a chemical solution or embedding.
These chemicals can be: 
Hemostatic Astringents or aluminum chloride.
 
ferric sulphate aluminum sulphate. 
epinephrine or adrenaline.

Cute Lower Stomach Tattoos

intracoronal type retainers Inlay - Onlay

intracoronal cast restorations

o While most sublime goal is to promote health and prevent disease, also the diagnosis and early treatment and less aggressive but are part of a secondary level of prevention medicine and / or dental .

or why in Prosthetics Restorative Dentistry, you can see the use of scale and in general the partial restoration as a valid alternative to replace, in certain indications, a full coverage crowns.

· No overlay retainer (INLAY)
• With overlay retainer (ONLAY)


or is an inlay, which can be long lasting in perfect condition in the mouth.

or is widely used in the repair of injuries occlusal, gingival and proximal.

o apply for retention of a wedge effect and exert some pressure against the walls of the tooth. This pressure is already evident during the trials and cementation, but becomes all-important later, when support all occlusal forces.
or restoring order to be successful, we must find ways to counteract those forces.
or when the tooth has Embedding is a thick wall, the same tooth structure is capable, by itself, to resist those forces.
or MOD restorations INJURY feasible to fail, because they have nothing to protect the isolated cusps buccal and palatal / lingual, just restore lost tooth structures.
or onlay retainers, cover and protect the entire occlusal surface, dispersing and dissipating the effort transmitted in various directions, avoiding pressure on an area that can lead to fracture.
or occlusal forces to strike a retainer or embedding intracoronal MOD MOD, produced on efforts tend to separate the peaks, being exposed to a possible fracture, while the same forces acting on an MOD Onlay dissipate over a wide area, a dispersal of forces to be less destructive.


premolars or molars with caries or previous restorations require a minimum restoration MO or DO
§ Provides a superior material and margins not deteriorate over time.
§ Although the restoration is visible in the premolars, conducting a careful extensions on sidewalls mesiobuccal exposure will be minimal.
§ For molars, the MOD inlays that can keep them close are acceptable.
§ When the premolar is sufficiently damaged and need a MOD conservative cast restoration, the restoration should be carried out with an onlay.

§ Patients with plaque buildup or recent history of caries.

§ Patients who are still teenagers.


very broken parts but with the lingual and buccal cusp intact.

§ When half or more than half the width of a piece VL is involved in the isthmus of an MOD preparation.

§ Parts
subsequent endodontic treatment and healthy buccal and lingual walls. §

Endodontics weakens the tooth structure, the onlay fails to protect the remaining structures.