Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cute Lower Stomach Tattoos

intracoronal type retainers Inlay - Onlay

intracoronal cast restorations

o While most sublime goal is to promote health and prevent disease, also the diagnosis and early treatment and less aggressive but are part of a secondary level of prevention medicine and / or dental .

or why in Prosthetics Restorative Dentistry, you can see the use of scale and in general the partial restoration as a valid alternative to replace, in certain indications, a full coverage crowns.

· No overlay retainer (INLAY)
• With overlay retainer (ONLAY)


or is an inlay, which can be long lasting in perfect condition in the mouth.

or is widely used in the repair of injuries occlusal, gingival and proximal.

o apply for retention of a wedge effect and exert some pressure against the walls of the tooth. This pressure is already evident during the trials and cementation, but becomes all-important later, when support all occlusal forces.
or restoring order to be successful, we must find ways to counteract those forces.
or when the tooth has Embedding is a thick wall, the same tooth structure is capable, by itself, to resist those forces.
or MOD restorations INJURY feasible to fail, because they have nothing to protect the isolated cusps buccal and palatal / lingual, just restore lost tooth structures.
or onlay retainers, cover and protect the entire occlusal surface, dispersing and dissipating the effort transmitted in various directions, avoiding pressure on an area that can lead to fracture.
or occlusal forces to strike a retainer or embedding intracoronal MOD MOD, produced on efforts tend to separate the peaks, being exposed to a possible fracture, while the same forces acting on an MOD Onlay dissipate over a wide area, a dispersal of forces to be less destructive.


premolars or molars with caries or previous restorations require a minimum restoration MO or DO
§ Provides a superior material and margins not deteriorate over time.
§ Although the restoration is visible in the premolars, conducting a careful extensions on sidewalls mesiobuccal exposure will be minimal.
§ For molars, the MOD inlays that can keep them close are acceptable.
§ When the premolar is sufficiently damaged and need a MOD conservative cast restoration, the restoration should be carried out with an onlay.

§ Patients with plaque buildup or recent history of caries.

§ Patients who are still teenagers.


very broken parts but with the lingual and buccal cusp intact.

§ When half or more than half the width of a piece VL is involved in the isthmus of an MOD preparation.

§ Parts
subsequent endodontic treatment and healthy buccal and lingual walls. §

Endodontics weakens the tooth structure, the onlay fails to protect the remaining structures.


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