Thursday, July 1, 2010

How To Unblock Farmville

Populism and Empowerment (Toronto) Riots G20 summit

More than 600 people were arrested during the G20 summit this weekend in police raids and searches in the city of Toronto, Canada. The siege and persecution was noted by the repressive apparatus after the demonstrations on Saturday, June 26, where protesters involved in the "Black Block" left five police cars damaged and a fire, breaking windows of tiendasa, destroying two vehicles TV stations, banks and other showcases for the city's financial center - mocking the $ 1.3 billion required for the safety of the summit. However

police apparatus continued its persecution during the night of Saturday, where arrests and raids were brutal in the demonstrations and the homes of the organizers, resulting in more than 200 detainees who were transferred to a detention center, made specifically for those protesting the summit. On Sunday June 27th-last day of the summit, the Integrated Police swept all protests took place in the downtown (peaceful or not) and continued with mass arrests of protesters. 70 people, most from the CLAC (Anti-Capitalist Convergence) of Montreal were arrested after a brutal raid on the University of Toronto, whose school was closed altogether during the week of action, and were taken to detention in police buses.

police swept hundreds of protesters gathered in solidarity with prisoners in the detention center in the eastern sector of the city, where activists were selected for special forces suddenly found themselves surrounded, and were taken by van to the detention center, then fired ammunition and teargas into the crowd several times during the day.

The alternative press was stopped and taken by the repressive forces to report the current situation. Many of its members were arrested and taken to the detention center.

In the city center, police decree that black dress would be reason enough to be sospechosx, revisadx, even detenidx. Forces deployed by the special center, reviewing and stop those who were carrying "suspicious substances," or who had profile as the Black Bloc. During the afternoon, a small improvised march was entirely surrounded by special forces in the neighborhood where the riots took place the previous day. Special forces cornered a group of people after arresting a few protesters. Then hours after the summit ended, let go a portion of the people and the rest were transferred to the detention center. Dozens of protesters

tubieron to wait in the court of guarantees to be formalizadxs charges in connection with the riots on Saturday 26 June.


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