Saturday, December 11, 2010

Drugstore Color Rinse

not the power plant Vallekas Bridge

years now, the colony of Our Lady of the Angels, in the District Bridge Vallekas, is in the spotlight of the City and speculators for the construction of a ecobarrio "(supposedly a housing that draws energy environmentally friendly alternatives.) In these new blocks of flats to be constructed, it is building a Central Heat-Electric and Pneumatic Central Solid Waste Collection funded through the Plan E government. The power plant will be underground to produce electricity and sell it to the network. In this plant will be built 6 boilers consume a total of 810 m3 of gas at the time, 365 days a year. Taking advantage of this burning of gas, heat the hot water and heating will be sold to the 2069 homes will be built in the future "eco-neighborhood." On the top floor of the plant is located 48 fuel cell electric 30kw each, and each fuel cell will own gas output. These outputs will meet at 6 fireplaces a height between 35 and 42 meters continuously expelling gases harmful to health.

The central Pneumatics Collection of Municipal Solid Waste Valdemingomez transfer the waste. Will include various elements, air compressors high power, turbines, separators, waste compactor containers, which produce odors, noise and vibration.

health impacts

According to the regulations inconvenient, unhealthy, harmful and dangerous, the construction of such plants should be minimally to 2km. away from the urban core, because seriously damage the health of people who may live or engage in any activity around it, due to harmful gases expelled by the chimneys by the combustion of gas and the amount of noise and odor that can cause central waste.

illegal evictions of neighborhood residents, business and speculation

The homes that are part of Our Lady of the Angels are officially protected in the 50's built. The EMV has consistently refused to provide scriptures to the neighbors who lived in the colony, despite having paid for the property so that it reaches. To get residents to leave their homes, the city council over the years has used tactics cowardly and cringing against neighbors neighborhood such as letting the houses and the colony as a whole deteriorates gradually, letting people go to die and use people at risk of social exclusion relocated without any project or program to work co-existence and inclusion of the same, to bring coexistence between them is impossible, reach the confrontation between the neighbors, and get them from leaving their homes or request again subsidized housing, paying back so many years. In short, throw to the neighbors from their homes without alternative or pay another house with 25 year mortgage.

The residents / as who have not fallen into blackmail council, have been illegally evicted from their homes and have been lying in the street without any social protection. The last known case of the last seven families of street number 13 of the Sierra de Lucena, who have been evicted by court order under the pretext of "imminent collapse" of their homes, having architects reports saying the opposite. This fact has been reported in various bourgeois media. For example:

politicians and businessmen believe that the humble and hardworking we are assholes.

And it demonstrates both the Countess Esperanza Aguirre and the mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon. As to last a lifetime, over history, for the rich and wealthy businessmen, the poor have been only hindrance and collateral damage in their projects to amass fortunes. In this case, la gente trabajadora y humilde solo somos obstáculos en su camino para la construcción y especulación.. Y lo peor de todo, es que los políticos como de costumbre, se pasan la bola, ponen excusas sin sentido, mienten, dicen chorradas y en general piensan que la gente del pueblo somos imbeciles:

Ayuntamiento de Madrid:
Afirma que no es necesaria declaración de impacto medioambiental ni que es una central térmica.

Ana Botella, concejala de Medio Ambiente:
"Es una calefacción muy grande"

Pilar Martinez, delegada de urbanismo:

"Mis hijos también tienen una base donde cargan el i-Pod y no lo llamo central electric, and I in my office I have also a telephone switchboard and no telephone call, "

Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, mayor of Madrid:
In a press conference the mayor of Madrid, said" Ni there is a thermal plant project Vallecas or submarine base in Manzanares. "In another statement said, will not build any power plant in Vallecas, no nuclear in the Assembly of Madrid.

Esperanza Aguirre, president of the Community of Madrid: Declares the
/ asvecinos / as Vallekas can rest assured that requires environmental impact statements. This was requested in early 2010. We're still looking forward.

official complicity left (PSOE, IU, UGT, CCOO)

The official parliamentary left and still has the same function from the transition, serve as a container for storing and dissolve any kind of social movement and labor that attempt to overcome the misery that capitalism creates. In this case, instead of worrying about the health of the / as neighbors from Vallekas and illegal evictions, is dedicated to promoting lectures, debates and conferences that revolve around how nice it will be the ecobarrio and thermal power plant, showing once again that the union professionals and policy work to benefit entrepreneurs and speculators rather than fight for the rights, interests and dignity of workers.

What's left?

Before this attack on the dignity of all / as the / as neighbors as the neighborhood, people should not remain passive Vallekas seeing expel people from their homes to build a plant with more damage to our health and we go killing all / as a little more. Workers can no longer rely on the lies of politicians or trade unions supported, which only work as mere managers of collective labor disputes that will be profitable.
We must recapture the spirit
associative once had this neighborhood, which restored the dignity of all the humble people who came here to work and earn a living, and gave him a sense of pride we feel the neighbors of the neighborhood as Vallekas.

Through the partnership, self-organization and direct action, without leaders to manipulate us, neither party being lied to, all of / as the / as neighbors as participate in decisions and actions that we will play stop this barbarism that threatens our health and our dignity.

against speculation and urban planning that encourage the construction business, the exorbitant price of housing, and people who stay the street when he seized his home by an inability to pay, during the economic crisis to which we are used to capitalism, we use the occupation of the thousands of empty houses to live as people and have cultural venues dedicated to us / them as / as and our / as neighbors.

regain our dignity, self-managed our neighborhoods, our jobs and our lives. If we leave on the street, take ourselves abandoned houses.


NO FORCED TO EXCLUSION FROM THE CITY, businessmen and speculators!


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