Sunday, December 12, 2010

Vitamins For Nail Growth

This text we have written for the eighth edition of the book Anarchist Meeting Madrid (December 2010), with the intention of making known something so profound and transcendental for we and for the anarchist movement as is "inner revolution." For comrades think they read, discuss and make new contributions in this issue and aquellxs that have not started an interesting and risky personal revolution, dare and begin to take their first steps, good luck!

There is something undoubtedly libertarixs vegan difference from other people (regardless of its rejection of political parties, hierarchical structures, authority and many other relevant issues that pertain to what is known as the basis of the libertarian movement) and bringing their ideas into practice starting their day to day, everyday, demonstrating that a free and just society is real and necessary.

We must lead by example if our speech will be completely empty of content and people who try to come see nothing real in our practices (as well as being engañadxs) and therefore will not step into awareness that can lead to rebellion and social transformation. Many people define themselves as anarchists, libertarian or anti-authoritarian, but that's not enough. LXS Algunxs comrades who fought in the social war of 1936, otrxs of vegan who fought tooth and nail to the Franco dictatorship ... do not dare to use these definitions to other mismxs, since according ellxs comes great responsibility, and despite numerous , exemplary and risky fights, do not feel with the ability to call themselves anarchists. It is the less surprising, that today, despite being in a situation far less promising than that faced by those who preceded us in this long battle, are muchxs who fill their mouths with war stories and give an example of lack of enough humility demoralizing, and it would be appropriate to stop and think about this and try to avoid this type of behavior.
There are many things you can do if we start changing mismxs us which, while trying to destroy the society we live in to build a new one. For example, if you really believe in a society based on human relations and personal and not in consumer relations, begin to consume as little as possible or what is the same, only what is necessary and indispensable (recycling or expropriating a complement) . And in what this type of consumption, avoiding where possible the economic collaboration with multinationals, seeking that the products are organic, not genetically modified and has not have to die or suffer any animal (including humans). Since we all LA nosotrxs individual responsibility of what is happening with regard to the destruction of the environment and the life that inhabits it (the blame for everything not to the state and capitalism).

Following the refrain of which is not necessary and therefore as part of consumerism which is to compensate for the lack of affection, emotional, intellectual, lack of freedom, the normalization of injustice etc. we face with drugs (alcohol, snuff, hashish, cocaine ...), which aim to fill a void that is not theirs, as we become dependent and enrich camellxs, drug dealers, police, judges, abogadxs and so on. The drugs do the same in the medical field, overriding the state our ability to self-manage our own health and leaving it to desconocidxs acting in the service of drug companies. When taking a diet free of animal products, organic, eating plenty of raw, playing sports, getting enough rest and knowing the wisdom of natural medicine that has been maintained over the millennia, we would avoid getting many of the ailments and diseases threatening to humans.

But all we can do in our daily lives to be more consistent with our ideals is limited to consumer habits, there are certain attitudes, roles, actions ... which are far from libertarian considered and that unfortunately is reproduced again and again comrades or within our spaces. We refer to attitudes, sexist, homophobic, sexual assault and even rape, which have been working (mostly by women) and there is still much to do in this regard, especially if they feel ignored or obsolete. Speciesists behavior, acting superior to other animals by the mere fact of being humanxs, horribly trying to domesticated animals or collaborating the suffering of other animal species and justifying his death, continue despite the efforts of many comrades there in revolutionary circles.

finish talking about the authoritarian attitudes, actions that are performed as a result of these and the roles that support (jefx leader, patron / a, amx, dueñx ...) that seem to be inevitable between us; when in reality what happens is that there is a small group of people who benefit from these circumstances and try to continue taking advantage of authoritarianism (most often well hidden and done in a subtle but no less detectable or combat .) But it is time to banish this kind of values \u200b\u200bwe and so destructive to the environments in which we move, without fear, trust and mutual support to get away with the privileges offered by the authority once and for all.


We realize that we have discussed many issues concerning the internal revolution in this text and we did not go far enough in others, but as a matter of time and space, this has been the result. We encourage that this is only the beginning of an analysis and transformation that lies ahead.
Malignant Dis


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