Saturday, October 30, 2010

Motorola Maritime Vhf


is common to hear people around us different types of samples that it objects to the situations that they face in day to day. Not surprisingly, our life is totally subject to the obligations imposed upon us from the day you were born. We are part of a society run by a few and structured by the state. This structuring of society, direct consequence of the mere existence of the State and any form of authority
and capitalism in which they rest, they affect all situations and social relations of human beings.

Almost all individuals living under the guardianship of the state, not only have to follow rules imposed by the small ruling elite (elected or not), but also many of these rules have the effect directly sought since time immemorial, the structuring of a society based on inequality, in the monotony, competitiveness and lack of principles and objectives (all desire must be framed in the few possibilities that are offered).

The existence of hierarchies is the center of all the structural problem of society. Defense is of these by what police believe to protect the status of the ruling classes and the maintenance of the state, tortured and kept in prison as people who put their conscience to the prevailing laws as people who have developed all kinds of violent behavior, behavior problems conditioned by the system itself indissoluble. Governments are created, which are responsible for laws that dictate the subject at all, is the army in charge of defending the economic interests of the state and the few people who have a say in it (rulers and owners of large private estates ), thus justifying the killing thousands and thousands of innocents and the capture and subjugation of large cities to their advice, fostering a national feeling absurd and contempt toward the person of foreign origin or "enemy." Religion is responsible in promoting individual disability, reduced the individual to a being who is not, nor can it become master of his own life, and also a prisoner of dogmatic morality to serve their interests persistent at all echelons of society and have no rational argument and also argues for a family concept that legitimizes the state perpetuating the hierarchy

The so-called democratic state has its own characteristics and properties required to sustain a society subject. We have the "electoral circus, where all people choose who will dictate the rules to which we will have to submit, acting oblivious to the rest of society, increasing more and more power. Maintain a controlled formation of new individuals added to the society through schools where they learn that there is an authority which must be respected at all times, likewise, hold a media handling charge of maintaining good reception of all people to this system and let them see a host of unrealistic or exaggerated problems intentional (terrorism, crime ...), with the aim of creating fear and mistrust, legitimizing all the repressive measures the state apparatus needed.

By production based on private property and controlled by the owners of it, oblige us to place ourselves in jobs where we operate and try to get the most benefit at the lowest cost, forcing us to work in precarious conditions, resulting in leave (leave it completely self-assigned by the owners of the means of production) in exchange for a wage that is not equivalent to the contribution made to work, but it is necessary to survive. Thus beings who do nothing, they take what they have not worked and try to pay the minimum people as possible. Private ownership and operation involves insecurity and exploitation entails that there is a sector of society who can not find where to work, and therefore find no way to survive by itself. Exploitation inherent in the capitalist system on which sits the democratic system is the direct cause of the existence of unemployment. Exploitation and unemployment are linked, are the 2 sides of the same coin.

The welfare state gives us a need created leading to excessive consumerism. From birth we perceive our about life and "happiness" hover around consumption continuum from the massive campaign of " needs created" to own leisure marketing, thus displacing the human development concerns which are not commensurate with the actions necessary to maintain the capitalist state and overproduction. In this way, is still feeding all big business and relegate the person to a machine that simply "work and consume."

This what we have referred life robs us all of us, and none of this will be fixed without completely abolishing the state apparatus, the elimination private property and taking the means of production by all individuals in society. Only in this way, through a self-managed society and eliminating all body repressive government service and any conception of normality based on the legitimacy of authority, human beings will be free. It will help individuals with the rest of society to maintain the necessary input for this and not necessary to enrich a business.

Only then can the full human development, free of religious dogma and free of nationalist sentiment, with time to develop and carry out the concerns to be provided. In short, freedom.


Group Black Friday

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Do The Dow Futures Tell Me

the cleaner

14 chapters series for HBO. Directed by Pablo Larrain.

Beautiful Agony Blond


Corn Removal Insurance

We are the Black Friday Party, adhering to the Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth. We are an anarchist affinity group, in which we are again dissolved and members of "Grupo La Revuelta" who served in the city of Cadiz from 2007 to late 2009. Our group is based in the city of Granada mainly, but our scope extends to Motril.

Although our group is shooting just over a year, is the first public statement that we do.
We have been involved in trouble outside the group, which have hampered a bit of our activity. But here we are already out there that says what does not kill us makes us stronger.

Like any group attached to the fixed, we need the youth organization in a specific organization anarchist. It's been several anarchist affinity groups around the city of Granada, and in a short period of time there have been 2 groups of the Federation, that different issues have not perpetuated in time too. The constitution of our group was very thoughtful, in search of an affinity that allows us to develop our business for a long time and with fewer difficulties.

Why Youth?

Youth, on the one hand, undergoes a specific problem, and in turn, have a different way the general problem that is shaking society. There are the vanguard of youth Granada, or the Iberian lit the Acracia. We organized youth, and we want to hit the streets of solidarity, mutual support and direct action. Promoting the spirit of organization, the recovery of the struggle between oppressed and oppressors, pointing to everything that oppresses us, whether in the form of a pattern of a president, or a snake charmer. Confront the cultural backbone of this authoritarian world, breaking their minds wake schedules and subject to the welfare state, the cult of the product and the immediate pleasure, empty and illusory on the other side.

Youth, and Granada that is a strength, is duped by the false recreational drugs (whether legal or illegal). The bars are full, and the streets are empty. The bars have become killing centers beliefs, hopes, and youth projects, who drown their frustrations in a night of lag week after week, away to channel these frustrations in what they truly get rid of them: the fight. This leisure consumption makes us forget the true leisure, a leisure active and participatory, and distorts the meaning of friendship is reduced to "co-canes, to relegate to the background friends where what matters is losing head and getting drunk. Sports, games, all kinds of art and culture, or just take the time with family and friends, living and sharing experiencias ¿es qué le tenemos miedo a algo tan natural como nuestra conciencia, que queremos perderla cada noche en pubs o discotecas?. Nuestra cabeza es nuestra mejor arma, las drogas solo le hacen un flaco favor al sistema.

Despiertos y rebeldes. Somos la juventud organizada.

Contra toda autoridad.
Por el Comunismo Libertario
Por la Anarquía

Grupo Anarquista Viernes Negro.

Granada. Otoño 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trench Foot In World War 1

GET YOUR LIFE Chile: The media noise of capitalism may not contain the rabies

Nor will the gates to keep them imprisoned comrades Seized anarchists and Mapuche. Nor silence the cries of the Mapuche people of machinery engines of progress. Nor mute struggle of the Chilean people against the state and capital, however much media coverage to be provided to the verbosity of Sebastián Piñera (President of Chile) and his coterie.
Embarrassing, though common, is the behavior that we have habituades mass media, but we are not going to stop complain. This time, the spectacle of entertainment media has been in the Chilean State. Anywhere in the world has reached dramatic relay the events surrounding the crash in copper and gold mine site in San Jose (800 km north of Santiago), where 33 miners were trapped hundreds of feet underground. So far, so normal, and say "normal" because it is the standard pattern in all parts of the world: that workers will leave us living in our jobs, whether the mine, the work or cleaning, no matter the sector . There are tens of thousands workers are deaths per year in accidents and hundreds of thousands smite them, many more victims that they could leave the so-called "Terrorist Organizations." The painful and precarious working conditions in which the world proletariat is forced to work, resulting in bleeding of life continues to give astronomical amounts of money to the business class, being accomplices States and the media with his silence.
But then, why so much media noise in this is chance? The question to that answer is given by the current social situation in the Chilean State. The Andean country has been dragging since the Pinochet dictatorship to the current regime continues (under the mask of bourgeois democracy), economic system savage neoliberal capitalism. This system is a bountiful harvest for multinationals worldwide since the 70's have settled in the country, coming to control all the levers of the Chilean State. Currently, at the head of the political class is the puppet Sebastián Piñera. The Chilean state has inherited the repressive apparatus of the Government of the Pinochet military dictatorship, with hundreds of prisoners politiques, killings by police, torture, increased police presence on the streets and a refinement of this repression with new technologies all of this equipment (cameras, improved intelligence ...). The state needs all this machinery, as the result of the Chilean people, poor living conditions and inequality in the country has been developing several pockets of resistance and struggle against the State and Capital.
Chilean anarchist movement has been very much in this fight. The anarchist movement in the State of Chile is characterized by the wide range of strategies when fighting, being on one side of anarchism in favor of the formal organization with diverse anarchist federations and the group close to anarcho-syndicalism, Germinal, and secondly, they Supporters of so-called "insurrectionary." In any case, the presence of anarchists are fighting on several fronts is very present (Squatting, the student movement, the struggle against prisons, fighting in some industrial sectors, the struggle of the Mapuche people ...) The presence of them anarchists in the social struggle in the Chilean State has resulted in strong repression of this movement, with arrests, torture and even murder.
repression reached its peak last August 14, when the raid took place several squatted social centers and homes of anarchists resulted in the arrest of more than a dozen elles. The police were accused of mounting terrorist attacks and many still remain imprisoned elles. Moreover, it is the case of the Mapuche people, people called fighting against the expropriation of their lands against the Chilean and Argentine now close to 200 years. The Mapuche people's struggle to defend their land against the interests of multinationals and the state has intensified in recent years to be vigorous repressive response, generally apply many cases anti-terror law with imprisonment of hundreds of prisoners and asesinades Mapuche activists varies among the anarchist Juan elles "Orangu" Cruz.
conditions of inequality and poverty of the people of Chile have increased with the global capitalist crisis, and the discontent of the Chilean people are increasingly perceived in the environment. That's why the accident at the mine has been used as a maneuver distraction by the international media to divert attention from the problems of the Chilean State. Disgusting is the use of expressions by these spokesmen of power as "the accident has joined Chile." This union is completely false, there is an ongoing historical conflict between explotades and operators and try to conceal more than they will continue giving until capitalism, origin of this inequality, has been destroyed. Media misinformation internationally built a "media city" around the mine site, as was necessary. Necessary, not because of the situation to inform of miners and Chile all need all this infrastructure is necessary to create a reality that is presented to the Chilean government as a benefactor and closest to people. You need to create an image and enhance the figure of the puppets to continue that unbridled capitalism and keep them silenced the voices of dissent.
From the Black Flag Group, we condemn the attitude of the media worldwide and the Chilean government was fully aware of the dangerous condition of the mining sector. We demand the immediate release of their Chilean anarchist prisoner while in solidarity with their friends and relatives. We demand the release of Todes les politiques Mapuche preses and, in general, freedom for all the Mapuche people. Down

prison walls!

Against the State and Capitalism! For Anarchy!

Black Flag Group (FIXED - Madrid)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blood Stained Mucus Stool

release for October 12


The roads are filled with people fleeing the cities, students and workers are broken head scratching one more day of vacation, the proliferating television news statistics , the recommendations and reports bland ... the bridge has reached "a saint of what? Well, the Virgen del Pilar and Hispanic. With which we are falling seems to come good reminder that the Civil Guard protects us under the watchful eye of the King and the shadow of the flag.

As will throw win, will go to a parade that will see the much needed military budget grows and grows, we must bless a thousand times our constitutional order, we must play imperial explain the origin of our country while being politically correct and we can even capitalize on the flag we buy to adorn our balcony global.

The day of the motherland is a unique occasion to raise some spirits to make sense of it, the English State, take a few years now bringing misery to a large part of the population on the ruling.

Well for those who want to listen:

not want to miss this October 12, 2010, Columbus Day, without thinking if you want about what we suggest this conclusion: It

celebrates a past imperial (ist), the discovery of America and its subsequent looting and destruction of their cultures and their people, a crime carried out by the command-pluses in the kingdom, with the sole aim to satisfy their greed for power and influence both within and outside its borders and to enrich the Geneva banks. This, for those who at that time lived on the peninsula, did not bring any improvement, quite the opposite: increasing tax burden, strengthening the military (at the cost, of course, the children of the poor) or the depletion of large numbers forests to increase the fleet.

bodies is held to a military increasingly hypertrophied and leaving more and more expensive. Its function is to dance outside water interests of economics and international politics (as in Afghanistan or Somalia) all kinds of abuses committed in our name and, facing inwards, at all costs maintain the existing order, attacking and showing his teeth when people are not serving reasons of state and instill military values \u200b\u200bin a society that a few years ago, spat out with all his strength on the military for their sons (and daughters) were not obliged to lend their services. Today, disguised as humanitarian and servers to the people.

not be fooled. Do not celebrate your country, your ancestral customs and the people with whom you live with. Country is held as understood by the State "National unity" committing to forget the injustice and barbarity that society imposes on us.

This October 12th and every day, we will continue shouting that the home of the anarchists and the world is and the family of humanity, which we manufacture our culture among all of free and equal, with the aim of be better every day.

If our nation reveres the genocide, injustice, if justified based on power, proudly proclaim disown her.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sunbeam Ff Electric Blanket Ff

Diagnosis and treatment planning in fixed prosthesis.


Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics Fixed Prosthodontics