Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Trench Foot In World War 1

GET YOUR LIFE Chile: The media noise of capitalism may not contain the rabies

Nor will the gates to keep them imprisoned comrades Seized anarchists and Mapuche. Nor silence the cries of the Mapuche people of machinery engines of progress. Nor mute struggle of the Chilean people against the state and capital, however much media coverage to be provided to the verbosity of Sebastián Piñera (President of Chile) and his coterie.
Embarrassing, though common, is the behavior that we have habituades mass media, but we are not going to stop complain. This time, the spectacle of entertainment media has been in the Chilean State. Anywhere in the world has reached dramatic relay the events surrounding the crash in copper and gold mine site in San Jose (800 km north of Santiago), where 33 miners were trapped hundreds of feet underground. So far, so normal, and say "normal" because it is the standard pattern in all parts of the world: that workers will leave us living in our jobs, whether the mine, the work or cleaning, no matter the sector . There are tens of thousands workers are deaths per year in accidents and hundreds of thousands smite them, many more victims that they could leave the so-called "Terrorist Organizations." The painful and precarious working conditions in which the world proletariat is forced to work, resulting in bleeding of life continues to give astronomical amounts of money to the business class, being accomplices States and the media with his silence.
But then, why so much media noise in this is chance? The question to that answer is given by the current social situation in the Chilean State. The Andean country has been dragging since the Pinochet dictatorship to the current regime continues (under the mask of bourgeois democracy), economic system savage neoliberal capitalism. This system is a bountiful harvest for multinationals worldwide since the 70's have settled in the country, coming to control all the levers of the Chilean State. Currently, at the head of the political class is the puppet Sebastián Piñera. The Chilean state has inherited the repressive apparatus of the Government of the Pinochet military dictatorship, with hundreds of prisoners politiques, killings by police, torture, increased police presence on the streets and a refinement of this repression with new technologies all of this equipment (cameras, improved intelligence ...). The state needs all this machinery, as the result of the Chilean people, poor living conditions and inequality in the country has been developing several pockets of resistance and struggle against the State and Capital.
Chilean anarchist movement has been very much in this fight. The anarchist movement in the State of Chile is characterized by the wide range of strategies when fighting, being on one side of anarchism in favor of the formal organization with diverse anarchist federations and the group close to anarcho-syndicalism, Germinal, and secondly, they Supporters of so-called "insurrectionary." In any case, the presence of anarchists are fighting on several fronts is very present (Squatting, the student movement, the struggle against prisons, fighting in some industrial sectors, the struggle of the Mapuche people ...) The presence of them anarchists in the social struggle in the Chilean State has resulted in strong repression of this movement, with arrests, torture and even murder.
repression reached its peak last August 14, when the raid took place several squatted social centers and homes of anarchists resulted in the arrest of more than a dozen elles. The police were accused of mounting terrorist attacks and many still remain imprisoned elles. Moreover, it is the case of the Mapuche people, people called fighting against the expropriation of their lands against the Chilean and Argentine now close to 200 years. The Mapuche people's struggle to defend their land against the interests of multinationals and the state has intensified in recent years to be vigorous repressive response, generally apply many cases anti-terror law with imprisonment of hundreds of prisoners and asesinades Mapuche activists varies among the anarchist Juan elles "Orangu" Cruz.
conditions of inequality and poverty of the people of Chile have increased with the global capitalist crisis, and the discontent of the Chilean people are increasingly perceived in the environment. That's why the accident at the mine has been used as a maneuver distraction by the international media to divert attention from the problems of the Chilean State. Disgusting is the use of expressions by these spokesmen of power as "the accident has joined Chile." This union is completely false, there is an ongoing historical conflict between explotades and operators and try to conceal more than they will continue giving until capitalism, origin of this inequality, has been destroyed. Media misinformation internationally built a "media city" around the mine site, as was necessary. Necessary, not because of the situation to inform of miners and Chile all need all this infrastructure is necessary to create a reality that is presented to the Chilean government as a benefactor and closest to people. You need to create an image and enhance the figure of the puppets to continue that unbridled capitalism and keep them silenced the voices of dissent.
From the Black Flag Group, we condemn the attitude of the media worldwide and the Chilean government was fully aware of the dangerous condition of the mining sector. We demand the immediate release of their Chilean anarchist prisoner while in solidarity with their friends and relatives. We demand the release of Todes les politiques Mapuche preses and, in general, freedom for all the Mapuche people. Down

prison walls!

Against the State and Capitalism! For Anarchy!

Black Flag Group (FIXED - Madrid)


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