Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Corn Removal Insurance

We are the Black Friday Party, adhering to the Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth. We are an anarchist affinity group, in which we are again dissolved and members of "Grupo La Revuelta" who served in the city of Cadiz from 2007 to late 2009. Our group is based in the city of Granada mainly, but our scope extends to Motril.

Although our group is shooting just over a year, is the first public statement that we do.
We have been involved in trouble outside the group, which have hampered a bit of our activity. But here we are already out there that says what does not kill us makes us stronger.

Like any group attached to the fixed, we need the youth organization in a specific organization anarchist. It's been several anarchist affinity groups around the city of Granada, and in a short period of time there have been 2 groups of the Federation, that different issues have not perpetuated in time too. The constitution of our group was very thoughtful, in search of an affinity that allows us to develop our business for a long time and with fewer difficulties.

Why Youth?

Youth, on the one hand, undergoes a specific problem, and in turn, have a different way the general problem that is shaking society. There are the vanguard of youth Granada, or the Iberian lit the Acracia. We organized youth, and we want to hit the streets of solidarity, mutual support and direct action. Promoting the spirit of organization, the recovery of the struggle between oppressed and oppressors, pointing to everything that oppresses us, whether in the form of a pattern of a president, or a snake charmer. Confront the cultural backbone of this authoritarian world, breaking their minds wake schedules and subject to the welfare state, the cult of the product and the immediate pleasure, empty and illusory on the other side.

Youth, and Granada that is a strength, is duped by the false recreational drugs (whether legal or illegal). The bars are full, and the streets are empty. The bars have become killing centers beliefs, hopes, and youth projects, who drown their frustrations in a night of lag week after week, away to channel these frustrations in what they truly get rid of them: the fight. This leisure consumption makes us forget the true leisure, a leisure active and participatory, and distorts the meaning of friendship is reduced to "co-canes, to relegate to the background friends where what matters is losing head and getting drunk. Sports, games, all kinds of art and culture, or just take the time with family and friends, living and sharing experiencias ¿es qué le tenemos miedo a algo tan natural como nuestra conciencia, que queremos perderla cada noche en pubs o discotecas?. Nuestra cabeza es nuestra mejor arma, las drogas solo le hacen un flaco favor al sistema.

Despiertos y rebeldes. Somos la juventud organizada.

Contra toda autoridad.
Por el Comunismo Libertario
Por la Anarquía

Grupo Anarquista Viernes Negro.

Granada. Otoño 2010


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