Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blood Stained Mucus Stool

release for October 12


The roads are filled with people fleeing the cities, students and workers are broken head scratching one more day of vacation, the proliferating television news statistics , the recommendations and reports bland ... the bridge has reached "a saint of what? Well, the Virgen del Pilar and Hispanic. With which we are falling seems to come good reminder that the Civil Guard protects us under the watchful eye of the King and the shadow of the flag.

As will throw win, will go to a parade that will see the much needed military budget grows and grows, we must bless a thousand times our constitutional order, we must play imperial explain the origin of our country while being politically correct and we can even capitalize on the flag we buy to adorn our balcony global.

The day of the motherland is a unique occasion to raise some spirits to make sense of it, the English State, take a few years now bringing misery to a large part of the population on the ruling.

Well for those who want to listen:

not want to miss this October 12, 2010, Columbus Day, without thinking if you want about what we suggest this conclusion: It

celebrates a past imperial (ist), the discovery of America and its subsequent looting and destruction of their cultures and their people, a crime carried out by the command-pluses in the kingdom, with the sole aim to satisfy their greed for power and influence both within and outside its borders and to enrich the Geneva banks. This, for those who at that time lived on the peninsula, did not bring any improvement, quite the opposite: increasing tax burden, strengthening the military (at the cost, of course, the children of the poor) or the depletion of large numbers forests to increase the fleet.

bodies is held to a military increasingly hypertrophied and leaving more and more expensive. Its function is to dance outside water interests of economics and international politics (as in Afghanistan or Somalia) all kinds of abuses committed in our name and, facing inwards, at all costs maintain the existing order, attacking and showing his teeth when people are not serving reasons of state and instill military values \u200b\u200bin a society that a few years ago, spat out with all his strength on the military for their sons (and daughters) were not obliged to lend their services. Today, disguised as humanitarian and servers to the people.

not be fooled. Do not celebrate your country, your ancestral customs and the people with whom you live with. Country is held as understood by the State "National unity" committing to forget the injustice and barbarity that society imposes on us.

This October 12th and every day, we will continue shouting that the home of the anarchists and the world is and the family of humanity, which we manufacture our culture among all of free and equal, with the aim of be better every day.

If our nation reveres the genocide, injustice, if justified based on power, proudly proclaim disown her.



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