Saturday, April 23, 2011

Prom Dresses Brisbane

drugs and chaos

Not long ago I read Fukushima: the death instinct as a source energy [1] of John Brown in his blog. Reading this article brought me to mind the idea of \u200b\u200bentropy, a concept on which he had heard from the lips of a professor at my university studies in relation to their involvement in energy production and disorder it causes in the environment . This concept always has fascinated me, not only as the second law of thermodynamics, but its validity as a philosophical concept, as a principle applicable to other areas that have nothing to do with principle of thermodynamics.

In the case of energy, this teacher he was saying that all energy production generates a disorder (or chaos) in the system. Thus, residue burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, ...) is causing what we now know as global warming, nuclear waste generated pollutants (chaotic) and also generate a terrible disaster in areas where disorder occurs . However, there are other types of energy production less chaotic. This teacher believed that nature had already solved the energy problem with a little chaotic energy production and in apparent equilibrium, plants and photosynthesis, and that our views and research should aim to uncover the mysteries of photosynthesis. However, we insist on controlling the energy production of stars, nuclear processes, chaotic as they come, at least for natural life.

In the article I quoted at the beginning I also sense that this concept of entropy affects the capitalism and the economic and production systems. If the economic system over time is disordered, then capitalism is an economic system terribly chaotic very quickly because it tends to disorder and chaos. The consequences of this disorder that causes capitalism in human relationships are sight: hunger, war, poverty, global warming, deforestation, ... As the article said, we must therefore find a global economic system less chaotic and balanced, because otherwise capitalism will drag us all into disorder and chaos that contain itself.

This concept of entropy also affects biological systems to natural life. Why do we die?, Since very simple, because over time our biological system is disordered because of the energy production of cells. Basically, cells use oxygen to burn sugars and thus produce energy. In this process cells oxidize, become disordered, deteriorate, grow old. At the end we die. The process of clutter in our bodies as biological systems do not always act the same way in all humans, but depends on our lifestyle, our diet, our habits, ...

Following this line of argument, drugs are only elements inside our body disorder and chaos. Obviously not all drugs are equally chaotic, there are some more chaotic than others but all, absolutely all, create disorder. The immediate effects of this disorder may be the psychotropic effects thereof, which may be the effects that the consumer is looking for, but they are not alone. The drugs increase the body's rhythms, making the body work more and more, as I mentioned earlier causing more clutter with this work and ultimately disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease at an early age, psychological problems, kidney and liver diseases, cancer, ... Be not deceived, the entropy does not fail, if you play to accelerate the pace of your body will die young, one thing or another.

The act of drug intake is essentially selfish, is seeking immediate pleasure individual no matter at all how it affects the relationship you have with your loved ones. The drug is immediate pleasure, without effort, individual passenger, measured, packaged and commodified.

All those who have succumbed to the pleasure he takes terrible chaos and disorder, you have decided that your way of life is this and do not expect change, they reject the help of your loved ones, I would ask that you radicalicéis that practiquéis selfishness at its best, do not grow any kind of feeling in others that have to do with friendship or love, because the chaos that you generate in your body, you not only affects you, but all those people who love you, to whom they are going, leaving a huge void and a lot of pain and suffering.

Moreover, the drug is a consequence of the cult of individualism, think about yourself and your wellbeing. Is a consequence and a contradiction of the prevailing ethic of individual self in these times, the social system and hence the capitalist economic system, which turns everything into merchandise, everything can be bought and sold, including human pleasure.

capitalism and all the chaos generated in our lives with its ethic of individual self, with its moral of all is bought and sold everything, and his obsession with cancer growth above human needs, does not cause anything in me that disgust, revulsion and now even hatred .

I have a lifelong commitment, I will not rest until every last human being on this planet understands that the solution to human problems, our happiness and our destiny does not happen, as we are led to believe and how capitalism preaches , for a look inside ourselves, to our interests and individual welfare, but by a look at the reflection that project onto others, a look at interest and collective welfare.

Pedro Luis López Sánchez


[1] John Brown, Fukushima: the death instinct as an energy source ,


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