Friday, April 29, 2011

Special Alt Characters Nazi

can also sell it if we intend to release

tend to simplify Actually, it's a fact. We can not continued to make deep reflection about what we say. However, this trend towards simplification of concepts and ideas has its bad side, especially when you have the healthy habit of, from time to time, take a leisurely reflection, quiet and deep. There is a kind of popular discourse swarming everywhere. It is the discourse that we see in some comments or references: "Politicians are liars and sold, bankers, thieves, the CCOO and UGT trade union of liars bastards, you look at the powers that be and there is not a good" ... etc.

However, this simplification of reality has its consequences.
If I go around preaching that things are going badly wrong because they are politiques join them liars, the idea that I'm actually sending is that the solution is to vote to good politiques. If I say that trade unions CCOO and UGT are sold the idea to convey is that the solution lies in joining a union "cane." But is it really that the question?

We argue that no, the problem is not that the people who make policy are evil, that the CCOO and UGT are not fully integrated organizations in the system because people who are part of those unions are "bad people, mean and deceitful," that the issue is not that they are evil bankers (not saying that is not given) ... The point is that human beings have both the ability to "do good" (whatever that means) as "doing evil." Humans, when we have power, we use it, and we tend to think we have "reason" and that other people are wrong, this tendency to think we are in possession of reason, along with the exercise of power (be it economic, moral or political ...), makes it virtually impossible not use power to impose on them our vision to see other things. Is that what you do that within a particular operating system, which generates power structures, the "goodwill" and "good work" are rare exceptions to the rule. And repeat, why? Why the people who make these bodies is evil? No, because it is the operating system that generates that kind of dynamic.

Thus, the solution is not to vote for good people to exercise policy, the solution is to change this system with one that does not give rise to particular people exercise power over others. The solution is not combative form unions, the CCOO and UGT as charged subsidies have liberades or participate in union elections, and that no matter how combative these unions may be at first, as they grow (and thus grow also subsidies), will be integrating more and more into the system. UGT and CCOO have become what they are now because the people involved in these unions are evil, but because they have chosen a strategy that moves away from the target they were supposed at first. The self-styled "alternative unionism" (alternative to the currently prevailing union CCOO and UGT, is), if you use the same strategies, it is not really alternative, is more of the same. The only difference is that minority youth are still, the amount of money in grants and time are not yet sufficient to fully integrated ending. So it is a mistake to think that the problem is that there are evil people and that's why, using the same strategies can be "alternative" that can "be better" despite also receive grants, and despite having liberades to Although participation in union elections, us, are we different? ... why? Why we are more honest? Should we perhaps rely of "good will" of personnel?

The real alternative is to create organizational structures than those that exist today as these have demonstrated their total ineffectiveness. Learn from the mistakes we make and the mistakes apart of filters, creating organization from the ground and completely unrelated to what they are fighting. Reject form political parties, state subsidies decline, reject union liberades them to reject union elections ... all these things are not dogmatic whims.

It is not that they are wickedly they send is that if we ourselves escogiƩsemos the same strategy we would not do better. Simply a matter of time. That's why we place so much importance to the principles, tactics and goals, because we do not end up being the same shit (let's say it clearly), because we want our efforts fall into nothingness. We believe better than anyone, so we know to use the same strategies Vendidad who have completed, we will sell well.



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