Thursday, April 14, 2011

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Fighting continued power station Vk

In progress is the construction of the huge power station and municipal waste collection in the former colony of Our Lady of the Angels, right on Calle Martinez de la Riva. The plant has 6 huge chimneys of 40 meters high. The main objective of this plant is to produce electricity and hot water to sell to the future project of 2069 housing units that have the "eco-neighborhood." Through a system of insulated underground pipes, heat and electricity is distributed to buildings in the neighborhood. The fuel for boiler operation will be led through the fermentation of waste and combustion of methane from it. The main advantage of this system lies in the better use of energy produced and its performance. But this type of plant brings risks to the health of locals as to their physical integrity.

Risks to health and integrity of neighbors for power station
Combustion is a chemical reaction that gives off a lot of heat or light. In a complete reaction, the elements have the highest oxidation state. Residues formed by the combustion of methane are:

The carbon monóxilo : is an odorless, colorless, highly flammable and toxic. It can cause death when breathing at high levels.
The hydrogen : Under normal conditions of pressure and temperature, is a diatomic gas (H2) A colorless, odorless, tasteless, highly flammable metal. Its main industrial applications are refining fossil fuels (eg, hydrocracking) and ammonia production (mainly used for fertilizer).

addition to those cited above, others are normal combustion in water vapor. Methane, although not toxic in itself, the continued removal of such gas by the combustion reaction in high proportions and concentrated in a particular place are highly harmful to people living around, and that irritates the airways and facilitates the penetration of allergens and other problems and respiratory problems.

risks the integrity of the people living in the vicinity is determined by how dangerous it is handling this gas. It is highly flammable and can form explosive mixtures in air. Reacts violently with oxidants, halogens and other halogenated compounds. It is also stifling and displaces oxygen in a confined space. Methane can penetrate into the interior of buildings and expose people to hazards that can lead to gas. We are still awaiting the environmental impact statement Esperanza Aguirre promised in early 2010.

not forget either, and we want to add, you have to suffer the neighborhood by the emission of dioxins from incinerator Valdemingomez. Dioxins are non-biodegradable compounds, very persistent in the environment with the ability to disperse and accumulate in fatty tissues of living beings are altering the hormonal system and cause the generation of cancer.

Technical Risks of thermal central plateau Orcasitas:
was compared
much Vallekas thermal plant with the Orcasitas neighborhood. The power plant Orcasitas plateau is much smaller than the one being built Vallekas and provides energy in many more homes, around 2300, showing the disparity of the Vk center for a neighborhood with similar housing density and lower. The central area of \u200b\u200bOrcasitas has suffered a total of 19 power outages in recent years and increasing the risk of collapse even more. The repairs that have to suffer this plant are unassumable for the modest homes in the neighborhood. Although praised by environmentalists, it is remarkable the unreliability of this new energy system that are trying to implement cost-saving and emission of harmful gases.

disproportionate growth of the capital and surrounding cities

Madrid is a city that is grow at disproportionate rates. In the north of the city are built different PAU (Urban Action Plan) and the San Chinarro Montecarmelo or tables with more than 10,000 homes. In the south, and are planning several gigantic PAU addition that is under construction south of Pueblo Vallekas over 28,000 homes. Other planned and implemented, west of Vallecas, where he currently is the town of Barranquilla and haciea the southeast, the UAP of Berrocales, bordering Rivas Vaciamadrid, the Ahijones, El Canaveral and closed over 66,000 homes planned and almost paralyzed due to the bursting of the bubble with the crisis property. This disproportionate vortex building that currently exists in Madrid and other municipalities as Rivas, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Mostoles, the Sierra Norte etc, leads to the need for energy production and water supply to grow rapidly becoming completely untenable for resources available energy.

In Madrid there are a total of more than 47,000 empty homes without any use in the hands of their owners or developers. According to its constitution, in Article 47 provides that all English have the right to adequate housing, but .... More than 2500 people in Madrid are currently labeled as "persons homeless and socially excluded are without the possibility of access to housing. A total of 4.2 million young people in the state can not afford a home due to lack of work and the high share of precariousness in the professional activities carried out, if they can get to have a contract. Within the Community of Madrid, more than 530,000 people live in poverty, and may not have access to housing. More than 1200 families are living in shanty towns in Madrid in subhuman conditions. The remaining 50 years working families will pay a mortgage and fill out the banks for the exorbitant prices of homes are built. No firm in Madrid about the abuse to the humble and workers which means the eviction from their homes by the banks if a family is not able to afford a mortgage. If you already a single eviction should be alarming, the rapidly growing number of evictions due to the "crisis" of the capitalist economic system.

These data reveal that there is no need to build more housing or more neighborhoods. There are plenty of homes. But instead of distributing the existing and stop the housing bubble, builders, developers and bankers are getting fatter with the main business that has given money and held in this country since the days of "Uncle Paco, land speculation and legal theft workers, relying on Article 17 of the "human rights" which is the basis of capitalism and exploitation of private property.

The Vortex speculative construction and makes it look and experiment with other forms of energy production. Self-sufficiency of the English state of energy is becoming less and external dependence and amounts to almost 80% of energy from various sources, while electricity consumption rises more and more. This shows that energy dependence and skyrocketing energy consumption is becoming more and more untenable, having to invest in other types of energy production such as nuclear highly dangerous and destructive to human beings and nature if it gets out of control. The search for these new energies, which reduce costs, and produce more, makes them implement such initiatives or experiments such as the Vallekas power plant, which will help to use the neighbors as guinea pigs or as they say in new users of this "pioneering project."

illegal evictions by the neighbors

The homes that are part of Our Lady of the Angels are protective officer in the 50's built. The EMV has consistently refused to provide scriptures to the neighbors who lived in the colony, even after paying for the property so that it reaches. To get residents to leave their homes, the city council over the years has used tactics cowardly and cringing against the neighbors, such as letting the houses and the colony as a whole gradually deteriorate, let people will die and use people at risk of social exclusion relocated without any project or program to work co-existence and the inclusion of the same, to achieve coexistence between them is impossible, reach the confrontation between the neighbors as , and get them from leaving their homes or request again subsidized housing, paying back so many years. In short, throw to the neighbors from their homes without alternative or pay another house with 25 year mortgage.

The residents / as who have not fallen into the blackmail of the council, have been illegally evicted from their homes and have been lying in the street without any social protection. The last known case of the last seven families of street number 13 of the Sierra de Lucena, who have been evicted by court order under the pretext of "imminent collapse" of their homes, having architects reports saying the opposite. This fact has been reported in various bourgeois media. For example:

The neighborhood associations, mere appendages of political parties away from the / as neighbors as:

associations neighbors are living in a particular community and legally organized institution to participate in public life and achieve common goals for all the neighbors. Most of these associations are composed almost entirely of persons belonging to PSOE, IU, which claim to represent the residents of the area and mark them guidelines to follow neighborhoods. A clear example of the politicization and address of the official neighborhood associations in the case of cameras Lavapies neighborhood, where different social organizations and neighborhood associations were against the installation of the same officers except as the Association Neighborhood Corrala Lavapies (federated with the Regional Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of Madrid FRAVM) that was in favor of it, deaf to the claims of other social associations and supporting the monitoring, surveillance and repression Lavapies to the population rather than come and work at the root of the problem within the framework of multicultural coexistence in the neighborhood of Lavapies.

For Vallekas, neighborhood associations have also been shown for the construction of the power plant. This gives the neighborhood back to the reality of the neighborhood. The vast majority of the residents of Vallekas know quite what is being built there, or what the purpose of the giant fireplaces. Nor have they been asked, or the City Council or from the Community or from the neighborhood associations PSOE and IU neighbors if you really want to have it there. They have also given back and silenced completely illegal eviction of the residents of the colony of Our Lady of the Angels for the achievement of the plant and the "eco-neighborhood."

Therefore, the tactic is being used is the demobilization of the neighborhood by neighborhood residents' associations who are silent and give to the interests of political parties rather than the neighbors, playing with total disregard by the Vallekas population to what is being built there. All, of course, very democratic.



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