Sunday, May 8, 2011

Orthodontist In Johor Bahru

Neither local nor regional, or general

With some outrageous numbers of unemployed, with social and labor cuts and an increase in the precariousness of living than ever before, with a soaring political corruption, once again, we are called to elect the mayors of our city and our representatives autonomous, in short, a number of individuals that we usurp the ability to decide for ourselves what we need.

We will promise many things: Let us out of the crisis, we will increase wages or that they will fix all the bad things that made those who came before them. A growing number of voters that he has no confidence in politicians who chooses, but this is no problem for democracy, which finds high levels of conformism your best ally.

In recent years we have witnessed an increase blatant political corruption. However, we do not understand corruption as short-term or exclusive of certain people or certain games. Experience shows that the delegation is the usurpation of the collective interest in favor of personal interest, the political interest of the shocking results in advance of the ruling class on the ruled. Cuts social work and are not exclusive product of a supposed economic crisis because, first, the great financial empires have had no withdrawal and, secondly, these setbacks are brewing for some time and will remain, even if times get greater economic prosperity.

High compliance rates are, as we said, the best ally of the parliamentary system. Not surprisingly, one of the concepts put forward by the political class is to tolerance: that is, endure, suffer or endure. However, only you can tolerate the negative, never positive, and is tolerated to avoid "bads seniors. " But we wonder how long we will tolerate this situation?, Where is our limit? Because it starts to become aware of something when that something is becoming intolerable and we come to ask if there are intolerable unemployment figures, corruption or job cuts and social.

is precisely in the area nearest the place where you are producing the biggest welfare cuts. Are the municipalities, the section of state power in our cities, who are promoting an increasing rate cuts individual freedom in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city by living Ordinances among other measures. It regulates how we must relate and where, what can and can not do or what can or can not tolerate. It is not free but we are civil, not worrying about our personal autonomy but rather compliance with the standards that others have chosen for us.

There are no alternatives within the parliamentary system. During the election campaign we will see much debate in which politicians will reveal how bad they are rivals, unbelievers hear his false election promises so that once they have achieved their purpose of parliament, they could spoil the search for your benefit personal.

That's where the new parties involved in the extra-parliamentary left. Extra-not because their field is outside Parliament, but because they have not got enough confidence to be in it. It's about doing a facelift of parliamentarism and the heirs of the various currents of Marxism have been found in the classic slogans of the workers struggle their best electoral credit. Have adapted perfectly to the theory of direct confrontation with his political strategy.

strikes, demonstrations and all kinds of actions are presented as a fundamental part of the electoral program. It tries to give the appearance that things can be done differently, but ultimately is to do the same: he appropriates the individual autonomy to relegate decision making about our lives in other people. We see this coat matches using slogans like get organized and fight, in his case translates to wiggle and vote. For them it is about creating a climate of organization, but social discontent, pull up a representative system to perpetuate it. Do not advocate direct action and organized unconditionally, but as part of its political program or delegation.

We, as anarchists advocate direct action without palliative. I do not understand how a propaganda method but as the only effective method to achieve the objectives we set out to act in our day to day. It's about acting, individually or collectively, against the social opponent just means individual and group, it is ultimately the State to recover the ground which has earned us the people.

Therefore, once again promote the Active Avoidance: Do not vote, Organize and Control.

Iberian Federation of anarchist youth


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