Friday, May 13, 2011

Why Can A Bank Block My Account

(Pre) prints of # 15m. Workers Democracy

article may actually have many titles, "Regeneration" democratic, "real and participatory democracy," Why do they call it democracy if it is not? "," No fulfill election promises should be a crime "," Eye to Camps and berlusconización English politics "and so on. All come to the same thing, actually in this democratic system we do not decide anything, and when we decided not decide for us. The problem is that when our lives run more or less calm (economically and socially speaking) we do not care, comfort comes even decide for we got there when things go bad and you decide you do in your own interest, then we decide, but we can not not know, we've been thinking so much about ourselves and our individual welfare outline even a small collective response costs us a tremendous effort.

I would like all we did an exercise in imagination. Imagine that at some point in the history of our democracy, major political parties had agreed to govern. Imagine you have decided to present political projects for the elections then not do so, to stage a political struggle on the surface but political, economic and social projects are identical in the background, imagine that it had agreed not to legislate on basic and important problems of the citizens of this country (home, work), not to worry, not advance, no rule, be permissive speculation. Imagine that it had agreed to enrich themselves with corruption, serve big capital and retire to a life more or less buoyant and assured. The sad thing is that everything that happens, no need to imagine so, although it is likely that there is any conspiracy theory behind what you can make sure is that there is mutual interest so that nothing changes, for this false democracy evolves.

I'll say the obvious, but I understand that it is necessary, corruption is a cancer of the system is a system failure, corruption is part and parcel of the democratic system, inseparable from it. Since there is democracy, there is corruption, even earlier. In fact, looking at the situation in perspective, we vote every four years a political project that is very similar to the political projects of other parties and also never implemented. The vote to a political project that does not take practice provides legitimacy for stakeholders of the political project make and undo without any public oversight, and above it he and his friends profit from its passage by the public service. Make no mistake, the corruption is not a party issue, not a question of people, corruption is the system itself. If IU, for example, ruled in more places where rules, be assured that corruption also exist at IU, as there is still no control city government that governs. Therefore, in reality, we do not decide on any major issue of our life together, only you can decide who will enrich every four years of our effort and our work.

I recently echoed a press release which contained a statement of Cayo Lara, federal coordinator of UI in the stating that "we want to make a dictatorship , " that the laws are carried the Gazette to the dictates of workers, not the corporate interests, by completely democratic means " , what might be called the dictatorship of the workers, but I personally prefer the term democracy for workers. And I wonder, what project policy behind to carry out this statement?, what kind of democracy we are talking about? Because if democracy is being proposed is a model of internal democracy IU, if what is being proposed is a bureaucratic state, which do not hold me. Maybe he was talking about another kind of participatory democracy and direct democracy but what else can wait but a projection of democracy that are already implemented within the UI?, What can you expect but a superstructure in the image UI structure?

Alternatives to the current situation, in this moment of crisis, not only financial crisis but systemic, cultural and dare I say even a crisis of values, many from the left appeal to the union of the same to counter the stakes of the markets and our ruling classes. Personally, this obsession of some part of the union left without knowing exactly on what basis, without a concrete political project objectives, reminds me of the obsession with growth of capitalism, it is important to grow the castle did not come down. The union can not be the goal, nor is the growth, the union is built on a political project which marked the real goals that we achieve as a community. In this regard, a few months ago I read an article by Julio Anguita, entitled Preparing another war , published in March 2011 at the World Worker, which proposes a series of measures to overcome the current situation a series of policies in post of a social outlet to the crisis. Julio Anguita least propose a political project basis to work on an alternative, but with all due respect I have for Julio Anguita, I think it has reached the merits, since that article only mentions a reform electoral law and nothing about new democratic means. The merits, in my view, is that we need a new democracy, more participatory and direct a new structure in which citizens have more involvement and control, we need a cultural revolution of the collective, with new democratic values \u200b\u200bdeeply, truly democratic. We need a movement from the bottom up, democratic regeneration, rather than a movement up and down, nationalization.

The situation is difficult but not bad at all. While the parties and unions have become distant power structures of the bases that are unable by its own constitution to accommodate the projects, ideas, claims and illusions citizens, committed people with good ideas to carry out, seeing that these structures have not been able to realize their projects, they have built up a network of partnerships of all kinds and social movements from which to implement this social commitment . We can say that political action has been divided into two, on the one hand, the political project is done without the feedback from practical experience, and on the other hand the experiences and projects of associations and social movements remain in the practical and do not become political projects that reach all citizens.

To get a more participatory and direct democracy, we need to party and union structures more participatory and directly democratic. To reach these structures must meet the policy actions, the party and association, social movement or assembly workers. I dream of a game where one can get there, choose which area do voluntary social (or membership), can do so through a partnership, make decisions in assemblies in the partnership in which they work, participate in discussion tables social area with other associations where will the political project proposals, voting presentations directly from the tables of debate, to elect the representatives of the party that will implement the political project and to remove representatives at any time when they step away from it (the project). Only with the facts and the model can transmit another democracy is possible, a workers' democracy. It will only be viable from the sample.

The # 15m
many will hit the streets to demand this type of democracy, but as I said, not only in relation to government, but also in relation to political parties and trade unions.

The # 15m, ultimately, we will go homeless, unemployed, self-employed, young people, pensioners, civil servants, the unemployed and workers in short, to denounce the abuse of bankers, politicians and big business.

Welcome, then, the class struggle. Marx's ideas are still alive.

Pedro Luis López Sánchez


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