Sunday, May 8, 2011

Places For Baby Footprint Tattoos

And I that I have to do with the marriage of Paris and Helena

I came on at two-room to the house of my parents, weekday as there (Fridays unless job not PM) consequence little time having to eat and live to forty minutes of work. That day we were all, including nephews, except my little brother who recently moved to Monaco to work. At home my parents always talked about politics, we try to avoid it all (I the most) vehemently defend our ideas, we cut each other and raise our voice, but ultimately about politics, inevitable. The theme of the day was Osama Bin Laden, of course. I promise that I had sworn to myself not to spend any entry in this blog the issue, for reasons later try to explain, but it was inevitable.
The conversation began, my mother commented that good Osama Bin Laden surely deserved to die but then to celebrate like a July 4th question had a long way, did not see fit to conclude the violent death of someone, no matter how terrorist and enemy of democracy whatsoever. The contradictions of receiving such information in support of the implementation of a human being as a terrorist and enemy of freedom but in the background has a sense of justice more human. Then the conversation escalated in essence I defended the idea that there should be a judge who decides whether Obama Bin Laden is a terrorist or not, if he has committed a crime or not and who should administer justice, which seemed very dangerous the precedent that a president could send their troops into a sovereign country, into the house of a man and run (with the additional death of other human beings) with the approval of the international community, the rest defended the idea that it was shown that Osama Bin Laden was negligible and better off dead than alive. I left home angry, how can it be that my family would justify an execution?, Where does this leave us?, How we can move towards a world more just, humane and egalitarian sentiments of hatred and revenge?

In the car I realized, again marked the political agenda again capitalism with its miseries. My sense of justice, I am convinced that Share my family can do nothing against the feelings of hatred and revenge with which capitalism justifies the implementation of a human being. Ethics, moral imperative of our time so, enhances the primitive instincts and negative feelings that are easily identifiable by the individuals that make up a company so that gets to silence the voices of reason, justice and true compensation for victims know the truth and punishing the guilty, to each and every one of them.

I admit, when I argue I'm not a person instructive, didactic. When not trying to argue that my arguments are understood by the people who participate in the discussion, but just try to be right, and my arguments fail. Not trying to steer the conversation away from arguments about hate and revenge, but I try to combat these feelings that lead to barbarism and fascism directly, and it is impossible. The fact is that the main idea round my mind about this death not even mentioned in the family discussion and I will take to transmit it.

As for me, Osama Bin Laden died on December 17, 2010. Mohamed Bouaziz that day, a young Tunisian seller caught fire in the Governorate of their city in Tunisia, in an act surely despair at the continuing humiliation that came receiving from the police in his country. A Muslim was killed, not to take with a few Western and thus achieve eternal life in paradise, but because he was stronger. This individual act unwittingly became a symbol of collective dignity. With this death, every Muslim who has taken to the streets demanding democracy, freedom and human rights, with each Tunisian, Egyptian, Libyan, Yemeni, Syrian, Algerian who have risked their lives by joining the revolution of collective dignity, with every scream , each square filled, more dead and buried was Osama Bin Laden, executed by Muslims themselves.

Ironically, some try to revive him with physical death. Do not want to talk about Osama Bin Laden because it is not part of my political agenda, is part of the political agenda of those who created, promoted, armed and when he turned against him executed. We have our own political agenda, the political agenda of revolution as a motor of history, that of participatory and direct democracy, the immigrants dead in the Mediterranean to our shame, the homeless, that of the unemployed, families that mix milk with water because they do not come for the entire month, the exploited, of those without papers, enclosed in centers for foreigners, the workers. Let's talk important, and let capitalism with its miseries and wars which have nothing to do.

We have nothing to do with a Nobel Peace has sent a terrorist to run their own intelligence services (the Nobel Peace) have been created in His image and likeness. We have nothing to do with the monsters, fear, misery and scale of values \u200b\u200bof the murderers who kill murderers. We, the workers, we have nothing to do with the marriage of Paris and Helena.

Pedro Luis López Sánchez
Global Strategy -


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