Monday, February 28, 2011

Adderall And Alcohol Liver

The Arab Revolt and the permanent revolution

" In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political system"
IV Attitude of the Communists to the various opposition parties, Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels

Before I start out the lesson of humanity, compassion and solidarity that we are giving the Arab people to the old Europe and the Latin American socialism, that same Arab people who have sold us as extremist and terrorist that even in the adversity of the situation in their own countries are able to offer assistance to those displaced from Libya with the few resources they have, without complaint.

I attend as a dogma stunned to spread and contaminate the entire Marxist to Libya, because the cause is to defend "Gaddafi is our man" . In recent days I have read, written, thought and debate, and when analyzed in depth conspiracy theory in Libya to eventually become an impenetrable wall. Namely, if NATO went to Libya "Gadhafi was our man, everything is an assembly organized by the empire to overthrow him and seize Libyan oil" .

Consider first the principles of this conspiracy theory to try to reach the merits, the defense of National Socialism at all costs (as Trotsky called Stalin the tenets of Socialism in one country [1]) using the cause for this anti-imperialist.

"Libya is another Venezuela " [2]. The analysis of conspiracy theory begins with oil. As we all know Libya is a major producer of oil and therefore capable of being controlled and / or invaded by the empire. Therefore interpret everything that is happening in Libya due to a plot of the empire to take control of Libyan oil. As if oil multinationals are not already on Libyan soil! As if Gadhafi had not been in the area ensuring the stability the empire!

Do you think really that what is being set up in Libya is mounted on the outside? Do you think really that all that is being mounted in the Arab world, not only in Libya, is mounted on the outside? Do you think that Libya is different from other Arab countries? "The struggles in Iraq also are promoted by the empire? What are you looking for empire in Iraq with the revolts against it still? Are you trying to argue that everything that happens in the Arab world is different from Libya? Or on the other hand you are arguing that everything that happens in the Arab world is a mega conspiracy?

respond to all these questions making use of that conspiracy theory only reaches a point of contradiction and absurdity. Not recognizing the global causes that are coming into play in Libya leads to the conspiracy theory and error. The Libyan people in their field stands local causes most global rise in food prices, unemployment, lack of future of the youth, lack of social rights. It is a rebellion of Arabs against their semi-feudal systems for reasons essentially global.

Another postulate is to say that the manipulation of information from Libya rule demonstrates the hand of a master plan to seize the oil of the area [3]. It is obvious that Western countries try to position themselves along with the winning horse, once you have verified that the Libyan regime was not going to suppress the riots. It is obvious that once backed the winning horse will try to align with it, manipulate the information on your behalf and interfere as much as possible in the process that is unfolding now in Libya. But all this shows no plan. Shows that they are more intelligent, versatile and faster than the European and Latin American left in position. Moreover, this difference stems from Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, it has been argued that the rest of rebellions have been peaceful, which is more absurd [4]. However, news coming from Libya is that the "rebels" will not accept foreign intervention [5], information is not suspected of being manipulated by the empire.

The flag of the anti-imperialist cause is not our flag, we make use of it but it is not our flag. We have our own flag, the proletariat. Anti-imperialism is different than socialism. Anti-imperialism is not building socialism [6]. And I have the strange feeling that some silences hidden behind National Socialist views and positions, which would be jeopardized if the current unrest to become a comprehensive Arab revolution. Some seats would become extremely uncomfortable.

At this point it is time to ask what kind of speed we are, where we can take and what is the role of the Arab proletariat.

First, even with the amount of smoke and dust that still exists in the air and prevents us from seeing the situation clearly appears to be a common pattern in all the Arab riots, and Libya is no different, namely, democratic demands. We are facing democratic revolutions. To focus on the situation, we assume quasi-feudal systems (at least not have "enjoyed" even a liberal democracy to use) where it has broken a wave of democratic revolutions, which applied to the particular context of each nation gives us distinct situations currently exist in Tunisia (no direction), Egypt (army custody) and Libya (repression). I will not enter the debate if the proletariat is at the forefront of the demonstrations or, if more or less organized, or if you take more or less organized. What should be clear is that there is a total absence of organized opposition, including a liberal bourgeois opposition, and from a Marxist point of view, the only class that seems to be able to organize and meet the democratic demands of the population is the proletariat ( joining with other groups to do more frequent), the only truly revolutionary.

Secondly, I would point out that is not the first time it happens, it's been 94 Something similar happened years in Russia, a democratic revolution in February 1917 ended the tsarist system. And since then, we are witnessing rebellion against the provisional government established, if the recent resignation of Tunisian Prime Minister due to pressure on the Arab street [7], or the continuing demonstrations in Egypt. And compare the situation in North Africa and Middle East with Russia of the early twentieth century with all the facts, then, despite the differences, we assume autocratic system without an organized bourgeois opposition, and with an impoverished population. Following this reasoning, if the principles of Trotsky permanent revolution [8] are satisfied in this case, it is not unreasonable to think that the Arab revolutionary left to get organized and what has started as a democratic revolution without interruption end deriving a proletarian socialist revolution.

Thirdly include the global nature of the transgressions that we are witnessing. Trying to raise the issue across countries, local context to the local context, in my view is a mistake, because the causes are essentially global, systemic crisis, rising food prices, unemployment, lack of future total absence social rights, all of them common to all Arab countries. The capital has been globalized, globalizing it its own contradictions, but also globalizing it new elements and means of struggle. We must not neglect the importance of the Internet and social networks in the uprisings, but they are only the means of global communication in a global default (at least in the Arab context) within global capitalism, immersed in a global crisis. Our Western countries, "democratic" bourgeois minority are exploiting the world that condemns poverty and misery to most human beings on this planet. Fitting not expect to revolt against the bourgeoisie itself, we are witnessing the finding a rebellion from south to north, from the underdeveloped countries to developed countries. From a global point of view it seems to make more sense, although I realize it is too early to speak of Arab revolution, let alone global revolution.

In contrast to the reasoning I have tried to expose in this article, but I have found fear. Fear of the hand of imperialism. Fear of Libyan tribes. Fear of NATO intervention. Fear of uncertainty. Fear of revolution. Fear of change. Forget the romanticism of revolution. Revolutions are hard, extremely violent, uncertain, cruel and painful. But have no fear of power in exchange for a revolution for those who have to fear is another.

Given that it is common to manipulate with fear, I will try to do with the lack of it, you really are you afraid to change the world?, Who do you call socialists, communists and revolutionaries, scientists and humanists , have you afraid?.

Peoples of Europe, rise up!
One World, a global revolution


[1] Leon Trotsky, Permanent Revolution Edition Public Journal, Spain, 2009, p. 31

[3] Mounting repression of demonstrators in Libya fighter. New lies to justify the imperialist intervention in northern Africa , -.- nueva.php

[4] Jon Juanma, peaceful revolutions, Http://

[7] Alma Allende, Ghanoushi falls, remains Qasba ,

[8] Leon Trotsky, Permanent Revolution Edition Public Journal, Spain, 2009


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