Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturn Planet In Hindi

And the magic word is ...

Lately at night I feel some pain in the back, not to be, but perhaps the last use of the word flexible may explain the mystery.

Zapatero calls for greater flexibility in the labor market
labor reform after the president wants to reform collective agreements

is the new slogan, flexible. Began easing the labor reform, thereby cutting rights, continued adopting a flexible pension reform and progressive (progressive added here because not only sneak flexible at all) and more cuts, and now also wants more flexible collective agreements.

more flexible, more flexible, which way to dirty a word that itself contains a meaning moderate, peaceful and serene with the biggest assault on the rights of workers in the years we have democracy (if you can call it this neoliberal dictatorship disguised).

Gentlemen, I do not know about you, but I'm tired of bend. Given the neoliberal flexibility, working stiff, hard word, although admittedly more just and dignified. With head high and back straight.


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