Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why Do I Always Get Stomach Cramp

flexible Strategy Global

time ago I head round an idea, a concern. I pursued and somehow it dominates all other political positions, other ideas, other intellectual developments, directs everything. This idea is is that however much we want, we will not solve a global problem with local solutions. This is not to say that the solutions and local strength are not important, indeed necessary to raise awareness of class and are the basis of what I set out below is the local path . But they are still palliative if not coordinated in what we might call a Global Strategy conducive to be continued over time and to share the movement (Marx called it the party, as a general term that encompasses all shades socialist / communist) lessons learned.
From the point of view, "scientific", we have the object of study (historical processes), we have the laboratory (society), we have the method (dialectical materialism) and we even have technology transfer (practice). What we have are methodologies, standards, frameworks , frames to share results and experiences, all that we lack, does not exist and we do not even plant built. At least there to the extent that the whole movement feel integrated into a common framework for action. Right now all we have are many trends that are dedicated to debate endlessly over whether his theory of how to build socialism is better or more appropriate than the other. And even dogmatic tendencies, as if that socialism was an act of faith, blind faith in a theory that works but that does not rely on practical experience. In addition, we often more focused on what divides us than what unites us. Let's be honest, nobody has seen socialism, no one knows how to build, more, for instance, in the words of Fidel Castro in an act of openness and sincerity says
" One conclusion I've drawn after many years is that the many mistakes we have made all the more important it was to believe that anyone knew of socialism, or that anyone knew how to build socialism"
The Strategy Global is to go one step further and build a global framework in which to discuss and choose which theory applied to a specific historical time and place, and to coordinate the actions necessary to carry it out.
Before presenting as it should be, in my humble opinion, overall this overall framework, I would like to analyze the current situation.
  1. Capitalism does not work and can not be reformed.
    seems obvious, but we must strive to prove it. Does not work as from what point of view of the beholder. In fact if it works for whom it is promoted, crisis after crisis has managed to metamorphose and move forward, has managed to globalize and has also managed to create an ethic about: individualism and consumerism, a culture of the material, the right now and the immediate satisfaction stalled in humanity. Our enemy is very good, lean and compelling, in addition, the ethics that involves a direct impact on our animal instincts, which easily identified (the ethics) as ours, as part of us.
    not work from the point of view the proposal as a global economic system. Overall capitalism generates more poverty and misery in the world despite the spectacular even scientific development of the twentieth century. And not me, as an example, we can see the monitoring of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) launched by the UN as the UN itself recognized year after year that we are moving away from them. The poverty goal was to halve by 2015, a modest goal, but even so.
    important thing, the hardest thing is to show that Capitalism can not reform, which always tends to the accumulation of capital by the few and the misery of others, show that the Keynesian reformist attempts eventually lead to ultra-liberal trends. Why?. In my humble opinion Keynesianism deals only with the distribution of wealth, it is only on good intentions, but it goes to the root of the problem, production, and also ideologically competing in a system that tends precisely to the contrary, to the accumulation of wealth, not the cast. Keynesianism worked for a specified period, the reconstruction of Europe, but fell into crisis in the '70s, and in the years 80 is called from the market deregulation in order to continue to grow, and hence globalization and neoliberalism. You can not reform a system based on infinite growth in a finite resource (even becoming more productive), and is now more evident than ever. A policy has joined environmentalism as a result of global warming, ecopolitics , a sign that the planet has its limits and that capitalism, yet we know to what extent, the getting over it.
    A good article to understand the evolution of capitalism and its crisis , see "The structural crisis in the historical dynamics of social change " ( http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=120000&titular=las-crisis-estructurales-en-la-dina% CC% 81mica-histo % CC% 81rica-of-social-change ).
  2. capitalism has become globalized, globalizing it its own contradictions.
    We (the West) the bourgeoisie of the world and we are exploiting the rest of the world, and is not expected to rebel against the bourgeoisie itself. Despite the attack on the welfare state in Europe by the dictatorship markets, no live at all bad, compared to the rest of the world. The global revolution will not come from Europe or the U.S., but that does not mean that we are prepared and we support the revolutionary upheavals in other parts of the world, even when these crises provoke riots in our capitalist states. I am convinced that the global socialist process will come from the bottom up, in underdeveloped countries to developed countries. To prevent movement of the in capitalist states put against another part of the movement in proletarian states , it is necessary that the movement to impregnate and assume the global nature of the struggle. We must avoid the struggles of workers among workers under capitalist banners.
  3. global warming warns us of the urgency.
    Our analysis can not ignore the urgency of implementing a global economic system not based on growth for growth, not based on this fever that grips us all to grow, even without meaning, as if we were a cancer. It is not about being alarmist but it is abundantly clear that the planet has signs of illness, the cause is us and what is worse, we do not know to what extent we are approaching a point of no return.
    Our struggle is not only for the purpose of exploitation, our struggle is now also the defense of our environment and the ultimate aim of protecting the planet. We understand that there is no politics without ecology, and more importantly, that there is no political ecology. The defense of the environment must pass through a critique of the global system that encourages this vicious attack to it, can not defend the natural environment while being soft on capitalism, because as I said in the past, We just stay in a palliative, and good intentions, and not attack the root of the problem.
    Therefore, since we are not playing a better world for our children and grandchildren, not what we're playing is that our descendants have a world to live.

As I said, capitalism has become globalized, and he has emerged a world power, the markets, and political characterization, the dictatorship of the market . All succumb to the power of markets , Cuba is considering opening up the capital, China's capitalist governments legislate to Europe are threats to the sovereign debt. We can not defend ourselves if markets globalize our struggle, but the global coordinate. There is much to build and little time.
And here comes the center of reflection, what organization could coordinate something?, Is there any candidate now?, How should it work?.
Let's start by trying to discern what qualities should be desirable. My experience "scientific" design that tells me that what I know now, not on what we know design. What do we know then?, Or rather, what I think I know?
  1. is not just to win, but to convince.
    I think the important thing is not coming to power, power is not the ultimate end is the beginning of a process, or even this. We should not see the coming to power of a capitalist state as a victory, it is not, is only an indicator of the consistency of movement in a particular geographical area. No, the process begins within us and how we interact, and how we organize ourselves, and we decided with others.
    We can not ask workers to rely on socialism and communism because all I have seen are attempts and failed states. We can not convince workers to join the socialist cause if you do not participate in it, if not build it themselves.
    The organization must be radically democratic, participatory and direct democracy, invisibility of representatives (try to explain this concept later). Moreover, the entities that form part of this will be incorporating the radical democratic in its internal decision-making. It is about building democracy where there is not, is to convince by example and consistency. Thus, when somewhere you can come to power by the revolt of the masses, we have come a long way and many experience.
  2. Distributed, avoid SPOF. Critical to the single party.
    We must evolve. Marx looked to the French commune and played the need for a strong central party to lead the process. We should look to the former USSR, China and others and conclude that it is necessary to democracy (participatory and direct), a distributed system or fail. The single party is a SPOF ( Single Point of Failure ), a point singular failure . Is corrupted, the bureaucratization and thwarts the process. Our network (intentionally and not talk about organization) should be distributed, multipoint, and coordinated.
    need a thorough debate about what we mean by coordination, as should be the coordinators, how often and how to renew. Also participates in each of the areas or points, meetings, presentations. As for voting on the outcome of the work areas or points. It is not easy to design a distributed system.
    A distributed system is not SPOFs, some items may assign, corrupted, but the network would remain in place and create more points and keep growing.
  3. points (or bases) of the network.
    workers do not do politics in the political parties (always speaking in the European context), if we understand by policy actions that allow us to transform the society in which we live. The so-called leftist political parties and European Communists decided to leave the industry, social work and leave the street, decided to leave the neighborhood, decided to leave the workers at the bottom to go to the heights and from there decide what is best for workers, even when they are. And now wonder, where are the workers?. Fortunately, there are always ways of participation. Funny how during the most individualistic, consumerist and more liberal capitalism, there volunteering and emerge stronger non-governmental organizations non-profit. Funny how those who left political parties have been occupying the partnerships, associations.
    The association has evolved so has managed to create global institutions that work and where workers can participate. More Greenpeace environmentalism by all parties green together. The association is an important foundation of the network, connecting us with reality.
    addition of associations, of course, political parties, trade unions, social movements and even entire nations could be part of the network, arriving at the event.
  4. socialist ethics. The project that unites us.
    Is there a socialist ethic?. This is a complex and important debate. What is being proposed here is a possible framework in which to decide what steps we should be giving globally, to build a better, more just and equitable. But any entity that would could be part of this network?, could accept within this network to a political party that governs in a nation that does not respect human rights?
    The network should bring an agreement, a project or explicit ethics and must be respected and included all members of the same and should be radically socialist. Reviewable and Concord. A good start would be anti-capitalist, participatory and direct democracy and human rights.
    For reference of this debate, I invite you to check the article "of Marxism, democracy and relativism" ( http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=120647 ). It will link all the other items relating to a debate in this area.
Asked if any organization candidate for the above, I have no answer. I do not think there is any with these characteristics or in the process of having them. The WSF is too disorganized to be just as well in the good intentions of a more just, but nothing of substance of the problem, production. And if not, will be invented.
has globalized capitalism and its making pointless calls for more sacrifices and tributes. We are approaching some really hard We're crossing ecological lines that do not yet know the consequences and movement as a whole is weaker and more disorganized than ever. Yet the foundations are solid, we are a generation prepared, committed and strong. To us to fight for the legacy that our parents and grandparents left us, overcoming them, we have much work and little time, yet not only win but be convinced. Peoples of Europe, Rise Up! Globalization socialism or barbarism!


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