Thursday, February 10, 2011

Repairing Rusty Bathroom Towel Rack

harmful consequences of pollution in Madrid tag

A major problem affecting large cities of developed countries or developing countries is the high level of pollution every day hitting the inhabitants of those cities. This past week, the lack of wind and rain, pollution in the city of Madrid is reaching dangerous limits and harmful to the health of the people and wildlife of that city.

The EU directive sets the limit value Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in 18 exceedances in one hour during a year of 200 micrograms / cubic meters. Well, in early February, several parts of Madrid have exceeded the allowable limit.

From any point of the Madrid can appreciate the great cloud of pollution that plagues the city that straddles the outlying cities of Madrid belt. Even rural community begin to be affected, starting its monitoring stations for air pollution to rise.

(View of Madrid from Moratalaz)
Serious health damage

The high concentration of particles that causes the NO2 has serious consequences for the health of any person:

· aggravates all kinds of respiratory diseases
· Causes cardiovascular disease because the smaller particles pierce the lungs and enter the blood causing illness.
allergies? Enhancing the action of the same as the pollen reacting to pollution and become more aggressive.
· Death premature.

(Vista del barrio de Chamartin)

The inaction of politicians and businessmen

As expected, politicians of the Community of Madrid, Madrid City Council, State Government English and the employer's motor (ANFAC) not hesitate to squeeze in bulk and throwing off the problem to other . Thus we can see and feel their deep concern for the people.
Madrid City Council flatly refuses to shut down traffic or policies against trafficking, using the strike to justify their passivity by manipulating the meter or changing air quality of Rank Outlet in parks where pollution is lower.
Councillor for Environment, Ana Botella in its line of ignorant but well plugged into the party and imbecil ity to which we are accustomed, states that "the air quality in Madrid is the best we have had in history because we have done many things ". Even says "we are in a time when people are depressed by unemployment. This choking them more " and attributed the high levels of NO2 at a mere circumstance of atmospheric stability.

The possibilities gives the council to move to Madrid as an alternative the car (the main generator of the pollution) is to use public transport. But in Madrid, much as they love to brag about public transport is totally inadequate. But here's where it comes out, that the policies pursued by these chupópteros only are aimed precisely at promoting public transport, but private, continue to benefit the automotive industry, oil, etc:

• The transport Madrid has a very high cost.
· The fleets of buses are scarce, especially in working class neighborhoods where timeouts are 15 to 20 minutes.
• The connection is bad Intercity buses also of many lines have been cut under the guise of the crisis and the cuts.
• The vast majority of public transport is not even on the industrial estates.
Do not you work on promoting other transportation, such as cycling

If they are already overstretched public transport service normally What do you want then these parasites do to move to Madrid?.

ANFAC, as a good representative of the employer and always willing to make more for less, indicates that the government in 2008 approved an amendment to exempt from payment of registration tax on cleaner cars to support the creation of the same but only took into account the emission of CO2 (greenhouse gas), but was not taken into account all the other gases emitted from tailpipes of cars. The result was an incentive to invest more in preventing diesel fuel.

Vallekas Pollution and consequences of the construction of the Power Plant and Solid Waste Treatment

Vallekas's neighbors, we were not going to get rid of all the ills that plague the city of Madrid . The Widening Vallekas (the part of Vallekas farther from the center of Madrid) already reached the limit allowed by European Directive being alone in the month of February . As if this were not enough, every year over the limit. If all this were not enough, is being finalized to build the power station and Central Pneumatic Solid Waste Collection in Vallekas Bridge, near the famous so-called "eco-neighborhood." It is constantly giving 365 days of years the waste left over from the combustion of gas, emanating from other wastes, water vapor, nitrogen and CO2. Burning heating is a serious health risk to people living around you, as irritates the airways and facilitates the penetration of allergens, among other problems as respiratory ailments.

The state seems to be that Vallekas sees as the focus of experimentation with new forms of energy production, operating and hiding the reality of these projects. The neighbors still do not have any information about it on central and he has little to be finished. There is no set brick famous ecobarrio "and politicians are still passing the ball or promising things that never come, as the environmental impact statement that the Madrid promised in early 2010.
(Cloud of pollution Park view from the Cerro del Tio Pio Vallekas)

"Alternatives to capitalism?

progressives love to fill his mouth with the word recycle. They make us feel guilty for the destruction of the earth, and raise energy alternatives that devastate wildlife and benefit to many private companies and generating cost savings of capital does not benefit the people and themselves in their pockets. Capitalism is a system based on exploitation of one people over others. Some invest, others generate wealth and are investing it. That has created an operating system with each passing day more and more about rich and others are becoming poorer. This is accentuated by more time spent as educate us to be productive machines for large companies rather than enhance our humanity as unique. People who are unable to adapt to the enormous demands of capitalism, will be scrapped, promoting social exclusion. The more profitable it is, the more it operates regardless of the consequences, if it runs more profitable alternatives are sought to give more benefits and exploited regardless of the consequences. Businessmen, bankers, and politicians make millions and / workers are just victims of their crisis and their experiments in many fields to consolidate profits on the blood / as workers / as innocent in the case we are discussing, we die and die from many respiratory diseases, cardiovascular or suffer throughout their lives allergies of any kind limiting their individual potential.

The only alternative to this system is the destruction of material by turmoil and social unrest aimed at building and construction of libertarian communism. In the hands of / workers is the to live in fear, sitting on the couch and watching stupid breathing pollution or destruction of the planet live, to cope with our increasingly stifling and miserable life cuts and inhumane conditions that have to withstand the working class o. ........ the social war.


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