Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sleeping On Side Is Bad For Kidneys

permanent revolution and socialism

Since they started the popular revolts in Tunisia my position until recently was calm, cautious, because even if it is true and undeniable that popular revolts there (I say this because there are voices who claim that all is an imperialist plot), and it is also true that the proletariat in these countries are in some way in front of them, the immediate consequences are that leaders in Tunisia the old regime still in power and in the case of Egypt is that they have traded a dictator out of the army to put the army itself, keeping the same regime led and sponsored by the military. And so often utter the word army referring to Egypt because its ubiquitous presence in the political process in this country is just as dominant.

Libya's case is different from me. Is different because although I can not speak of peaceful revolutions [1] in any of the three cases (among other things because I do not think they exist), Libya's people have taken up arms against the regime that oppresses them. And dear readers, try to see in the Libyan regime any hint of socialism, or, with the excuse to declare or has declared anti-imperialist front (because in the background, business is business ) attempting to prove that everything is being part of a plot of the Empire [2], in my view is not to understand anything about anything and everything confused, as journalists mass media is still asking what is happening in northern Africa. Unfortunately revolutions are violent, very violent. The Libyan case demonstrates that revolutions are violent because the minority is in power is not going to leave without a fight, and said some young people Marx and Engels long ago. I'll even go a step further, revolutions or predict or have a single cause or provoke, but once you go past the worst if left lead. And there we are.

currently witnessing the meanness to see how all world powers trying to position the side of the winning horse, to repeat, the worst is over, can influence it. Thus we see how the Western powers have remained cautious until the Libyan regime crumbles and now clearly branded as intolerable violence, Iran now supports the "rebels" ... So-called socialist Latin American powers? No know, no answer. And I am of the view that Latin American socialism "should support at this time the Arab world without reservation in anticipation of the strategy of Western powers, overtaken by events and that Gadhafi is taking the opportunity of a return-military perhaps, but mainly propaganda-as a champion of human rights and democracy " [3]. Support yes, but having clear about our principles and our ideas, avoiding the mistakes of the past [4].

view as brutal acceleration that is taking the story in Libya, perhaps I'm speeding, but the question is, is it possible that the current unrest could lead to a socialist revolution? To answer this question I will try to make use of "Permanent Revolution" [5] Trotsky. This theory involves three ideas.

first addresses the problem of transition of the democratic revolution (phase in which we are now in Libya) to socialist revolution. The theory is, and was confirmed by the Red October Revolution, the democratic demands in the backward states led to the dictatorship of the proletariat. In the words of Trotsky "the democracy was still an intrinsic value regime for several decades and became the immediate prelude to the socialist revolution, united both by a continuous link. " [6]

Second is socialist revolution itself as a process of constant transformation of social relations. For the purpose of this item is worth pausing at this point.

Third highlights the international aspect of the socialist revolution. Never before in human history nations have been more interconnected and dependent on each other as at present. As I argued in my article "Global Strategy" [7] the revolution can only be global, because capitalism has become globalized, globalizing it its own contradictions. Moreover, I am convinced that the revolution will come from the bottom up, from south to north, from the underdeveloped countries to developed countries. We must understand and analyze in detail what is happening because our society will inevitably be affected by events. Once again, the facts beyond and we are caught with the wrong foot, the reality is beyond us and we have to organize at the international level as quickly as possible to avoid what we now do not start in Libya only stay in Libya.

bury once and the Second International, the social democracy, which currently represents the neo-liberal of those who call themselves socialists (in Spain in particular) and Keynesian comparsa declaring the left now. Bury once and the Third International, the revolution in one country, we must learn from the experience of the USSR, the capitalist derives from China, we understand that Cuba is drowning alone in this sea of \u200b\u200bcapitalist sharks. Build from what remains of the Fourth International's International V, socialist and communist revolutionary anti-capitalist, internationalist and radically democratic.

Peoples of Europe, rise up!


[1] Jon Juanma, peaceful revolutions,

[2] The assembly of the repression of demonstrators in Libya fighter. New lies to justify the imperialist intervention in northern Africa , -.- nueva.php

[3] Santiago Alba Rico and Alma Allende the Arab world to Latin America ,

[5] Leon Trotsky, Permanent Revolution Edition Public Journal, Spain, 2009

[6] Leon Trotsky, Permanent Revolution Edition Public Journal, Spain, 2009, p. 59


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